Faverolles Thread

Congratulations on the new birds, Henry. We're looking forward to lots of pictures.

Yes, sorry to say, the male is/was acting somewhat aggressively towards me. He drops one wing and comes at me, almost in a courting gesture but it isn't meant that way. The first morning he was very direct in his approach, no mistaking his intention. That's why I said I was floored. You're right that Faverolle roos are noted for their great disposition. He seems to be getting better but we will see. All this started the same morning he did his first crow, so he may have been full of his new found manhood and is testing the waters. I hope things continue to improve. He's the only Fav roo I have, and he's shaping up to be a good one.
Congratulations on the new birds, Henry. We're looking forward to lots of pictures.

Yes, sorry to say, the male is/was acting somewhat aggressively towards me. He drops one wing and comes at me, almost in a courting gesture but it isn't meant that way. The first morning he was very direct in his approach, no mistaking his intention. That's why I said I was floored. You're right that Faverolle roos are noted for their great disposition. He seems to be getting better but we will see. All this started the same morning he did his first crow, so he may have been full of his new found manhood and is testing the waters. I hope things continue to improve. He's the only Fav roo I have, and he's shaping up to be a good one.
Thanks. I should hopefully be getting a new Camera soon and take lots of pictures.

That is to bad he acting that way. I would sure hope it gets better. If he doesn't improve I am sure some others have extra males and it might be a good idea to get a less aggressive one. I think aggression can be genetic and it's not something we can pass on.
The little bugger came straight at me this morning, with intent to be nasty. I have always felt as a general rule, aggression is an inherited trait, and this is particularly unacceptable for a Faverolle.
Do you want bantams or LF?

I have some 2-3 month old LF pullets, but I'm all the way up in northeast MA. I thought there was someone in NJ but I can't remember who it is. Maybe someone else can think of who it is.

Hi Keesmom,

Thank you. I would prefer LF so your babies would be perfect except I do believe that where you are is a bit too far. :( I think you would be about 6-8 hours each way. I really appreciate your offer. Also thanks for mentioning someone might be in NJ. If you remember, or anyone else does, I would love to know their names.

So yes, I am interested in taking a <shorter> road trip to adopt some lovely salmon faverolle pullets,
so please, if anyone knows anyone, please reply with any names or suggestions!

I am outside of Philadelphia, PA. Thank you so much!

My ginger is looking beautiful even though she's hatchery stock. She is almost 5 months in this photo.


She can hold her own against the group, I was worried since I heard of their super gentle nature. She loves to sit on my lap though.
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Heard that New England has lots of lovely Bed & Breakfast places!

When I drove a big rig, I always enjoyed driving in New England. Except during those couple of blizzards! Northern Vermont on a two lane highway with 80,000# is not a safe place in a blizzard! Beautiful? YES! Safe? NO!

Wow! You're a million times braver than I am!! New England is gorgeous........ not in a blizzard though, that's for sure!
Ha ha cept it is turned the other way into my Studio:>) Thanks for the compliment! I needed that because no one I know is interested
in it.

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