Faverolles Thread

If you have a hen that is still laying tiny after she has been producing for more than a few months you probably will not want to set hers as her daughters will be the same most likely. A person I know that raises Dorkings got their egg size up in just 2 seasons by only setting the largest eggs produced in the flock.

I've known people that did the same with different breeds and I read somewhere on BYC to always set only the larger eggs a hen lays. They said the larger chicks thrive better....

I like Dorkings.... maybe one day!
A recent picture of my faverolle, Sammy, I wanted to share. She's just hatchery quality but I thinks she's my prettiest pullet :)

I'm so amazed by faverolles beards! They are soooo fluffy!

Darling! So glad to see a picture of a hatchery bird. I was beginning to wonder if this thread was just for people to post about showing, and breeding. I have some babies I would like to show in a while. Was hoping to see if I could get an idea of the sex in a while. Mine are bantam. Are there any pictures of bantam Faverolles out there?
Mine are 12 weeks apart and haven't been raised together. They have seen each other since the younger one was old enough to go outside. They were in with the silkies until about 5 weeks ago. The young one has yet to go through puberty so there are no problems, and he is the submissive one. I am going to take my time to integrate them. I hope they get along. But if they don't It won't be a huge issue. I will just keep the run divided and boys in seperate coops and switch girls around for breeding in the spring.
That's similar to what I do.... So far it works (fingers crossed!).

This coming season I hope to have some Favs good enough to breed, I have pens ready
and this weekend we just finished building a smaller coop for the 3rd pen. Now "just add chickens"
Darling! So glad to see a picture of a hatchery bird. I was beginning to wonder if this thread was just for people to post about showing, and breeding. I have some babies I would like to show in a while. Was hoping to see if I could get an idea of the sex in a while. Mine are bantam. Are there any pictures of bantam Faverolles out there?
I have a few hatchery girls, I should get pics up.... I lost one this summer, heat I think. She had spots. Not on her skin, but her feathering was spotted. I don't know the origin of the spots, but I loved it. She was my "special needs" girl.....

I don't have any bantams :( Although, I have seen some very nice pics on this thread!
Ok, jumping subjects: Favorelle egg size? Small, Medium, Large? My pullets just started laying and they are tiny to me but I am used to my exlarge/jumbo production brown layers. Will they get bigger? If so what size/weight should I expect? Thanks!

Comparatively to other birds of similar size I have found my Favs lay small egg. I think technically they would probably be classified as a medium sized egg, but they are certainly smaller than my other LF of similar size.
Here is one of my sf bantam cockerels I am showing this fall
He is handsome! (but I am a fav newbie so excuse me for not knowing much more than that) And he is a bantam?? What is the weight for bantams? I have one bantam as an incidental and we love her. She has the best temperament of any of the chickens-- just a darling. Does anyone else notice that they are generally better in temper than LF? Something piquing my interest; SF are listed as dual but they seem to be heavier on the meat purpose side. Does anyone eat their culls and have comparative information on their taste/texture to other birds??

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