Favorite chickin?

ok...lets bring this thread back!!!! now lets see ur best and favorite....drumroll plz.....SILKIES!
I must be a rooster type of person.
This is Chester.Bantam cochin.Always trying to feed me.

Buster,serama,our only house chicken.He's a year old and still ignores the girls.

Little Briches,our foundation serama roo.

I have 1 more,but so far he's real good at ducking the camera. He's a frizzled white bantam cochin roo named Trouble. The ruler of the property.
This is Rocky my cochin pullet, probably the best chicken i ever had, besides Sugar my silkie. she was scalped as a baby and had a wierd walk, she couldn't lift her butt off the ground. But after much T.L.C she's up and running! She used to be a biter, I've has enough bruises hahaha


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