Favorite Liscense Plates and Bumper Stickers...

Bumber stickers: "Vegetarian: old Indian word for 'poor hunter'"
"Keep shouting - I'm loading!"
"Fight crime - shoot back!"
"I love cats. I just can't eat a whole one by myself."
A high school buddy of mine had an old beat up 1983 Buick station wagon (this was in 1995-96) that he hated with a passion. He got a bumpersticker that said "How's My Driving? Call 1-800-EAT-S---" except that it had the profane word.

Well, his dad got ticked off and tried to scrape the offending sticker off but all succeeded in doing was getting rid of "Call 1-800" so the bumper sticker read:

How's My Driving?

That is good!

It reminds me of a friend of mine who had gotten a Darwin fish back when they were still fairly new and clever, and she came out of her house for work one morning in time to catch her neighbor, a preacher's wife, prying it off of the back of her car.
My friend told me "you know something is thought provoking when it inspires people to deface private property to steal it!"
The back of my escape hybrid is a darwin fish and one that says "Eat Local" afraid to get to much more political since I drive my vehicle for work.
Had to look up the Darwin fish stickers, never saw one...

On a beater car.
"Paid 4"

I have a bumper sticker I want to have made for my truck running on peanut oil but I wont quote it here.... Its not very nice...
If we're going that route, there've been several sightings of a "Darwin fish" being eaten by a Christian fish. The Christian fish had "truth" written in it.

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