Favorite thing YOUR chickens do!

I love when my chickens follow me around everywhere. It's SOOOO funny because your walking slow and they are like in a full out sprint!!
I love it when my rooster Oreo jumps on my bikes handlebars and waits for me to give him a ride lol
# loveit
Hilarious after they have some yogurt, and then spend the next five minutes trying to wipe their beaks clean.
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When one has a bug and the others chase her....dropping it and exchanging the bug...it looks like a rugby match !
I never have my camera with me when I need it, of course, so not my pics, but..

The Strut:

And scratching. I could watch them scratch in the dirt all day. The nonchalance of it.. lol. Like, "*whistle whistle* nothing to see here, carry on *scratch scratch*". Hard to get a picture of.

Oh, and of course...
I love it when my dominant rooster, Carl, "tid-bit" calls for ME to see the present he brought me: a pebble, twisted twig, or pretty leaf. I know better than to accept the gift (I am not one of his hens, I am the Flock Mistress) but it's so very cute. And don't think they don't pay attention or know what they're doing, because one day he brought me one of my own discarded cigarette butts!

That incident made me be ever so much more careful; I now have those outdoor smokers' ashtrays which hold the butts in the bottom, you drop the butt into the top tube.

But I agree, the Chicken Scratch is so much fun to watch. And when a baby chick does it, oh MY!

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