Favorite treats?

The local feedstore had freeze dried mealworms on sale once so I bought a jar for the chickens. They went crazy for them. i'd like to get them some more, but they are kind of expensive. They also enjoy when I throw a few worms in from the compost pile, the little carnivores. Chris
Mine love white grubs (june bug larvae). As soon as one of the chicks grabs a grub, she starts running around making all sorts of noise, and then the other chicks give chase. The grub usually changes hands (beaks) several times until it is consumed. Lots of fun! I've also tried grasshoppers, rolly polly bugs, and worms.
We have two sets of chicks....the 'original' group consists of three that are about six weeks old, and the new ones are two Wellies that are about two weeks old. The older ones have had crickets, worms, hard-boiled egg, grilled chicken (had to do that....I was curious!), cabbage, and carrots. They mostly love everything, but our EE is a little picky. She's not a fan of the egg, but loves the crickets most of all. Watching them eat the chicken was a little weird.

Our Wellies haven't really gotten anything treat-wise other than a bit of cabbage, and they weren't really big fans of that. Once they can start having grit like our big girls, we'll see what they do and don't like.
Hey Julie!
Are you equusvilla from COTH?

My hens go berserk for raisins.
They even recognize the tupperware I keep the raisins in & start "talking" excitedly when they see me carrying it.

Grapes are liked too - perfect for a game of Keepaway

But hands down, the raisins get the warmest reception.
I call them Chicken Crack & feed sparingly as the sugar is so concentrated in dried fruit.
yep - that is me!

My little chicks are only 4-5 weeks old..so I guess I will wait a while and try some new treats when they are a bit older.
I'll have to try the puffed rice. My are real fond of clover. The leaves give them a big target and you can twirl the stem to get their attention.
My two year old hen is crazy about oatmeal. On cold winter mornings, I add hot water and give it to her warm. I have 6, 7-wk old chicks and they are taking her lead and loving it to. They do not like lettuce or scratch, though. The little ones love to catch the may flies at dusk...best free entertainment ever!

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