Feather loss on back of neck


6 Years
Jan 18, 2014
Sebastopol, CA
Hi all,

My girl Peach lost her feathers on the back of the neck a month or more ago. They look like they are trying to grow back but havent. I read about lice and mites, but dont see any. I gave her a looooonnng bath in vinegar/salt/soap and sprayed her with some pest spray made for chickens. I think she might be moulting now too. Here are some pictures. Even though I dont see lice and mites, could they still be the problem?

Is she part of a flock? If so, then she probably had her feathers pulled out by another chicken. The best cure I can think of is to separate her from the flock until her feathers grow back.

Hope this helped!
Yes, I have a flock of 9, but Peach is one of the top in the pecking order so I dont know who would do that. Ive never seen anyone mess with her.
Is she a little bare on her back as well? It looks like it in the first pic but could be from being wet so that is why I ask.

It is an odd thing this chicken world we are learning all the time.

If she is indeed a little bald on the back as well as the neck here is my thought.
Even in a flock of all females there is a dominance display that happens. Females will mount another female as a dominance display in order to gain rank in the flock. Yes they will do that to the top hen if they think they can get away with it. It would explain the missing feathers in both locations.
I tend to think this is the case for your little hen.
No, just the neck. The check and butt is new, I think she is molting now on top of it. I am out with them all of the time and I have never seen it. They all get along well and there is a pecking oder they all seem to stick to.
Any signs of mice getting into the coop?
I have ONE that the mice seem to think is tasty around the head area. I have caught them doing it while she sleeps. The mouse was on top of her back picking at her beard. (Easter Egger of course)
I have seen others over the years getting eaten up on the feathers while sleeping by mice. Yes mice. Tiny hard to catch vermin.

If it is something like that I recommend the bucket traps. You can search on here for how to make them. Mine cost me a bucket and wire coat hanger. Super cheap and easy and can catch many in one night without having to be reset.

Interesting thing about your bird is that she IS growing new feathers in the second pic it is easy to see. Could she just be a really slow molter?
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