Feather loss

Featherloss not consistent with molt. Increase protein intake. Make certain bird has warm dry location free or wind, If new feathers not already coming in then replacement may not occur until fall.
sorry for the haitus but I've been busy with work. Here, finally, are good pictures:

You'll notice the little white spots. Unlike the last time my chickens had mites, I couldn't find any "spots" that moved.
Looks like a good crop of new feathers.....white spots would be particles of feather sheathing as it comes off.
The problem is, only one of the hens has the white spots and the little bits of brush at the end of the stems. The other one has lost the feathers and the stems on her neck, and has been that way for a month.
One of my hens has grown her feathers back, but the other one is losing more and more, and temperatures are getting lower. What can I do?
Are they laying eggs?
Stop the corn, limit table scraps to mostly fish and meat. Switch to a higher protein feed. 18% - 20% should be good. Those feeds won't have sufficient calcium if the birds are currently laying so you'll need to provide oyster shell or other calcium source in a separate container if laying.
Your layer feed is a complete balanced ration and likely 16%. That means, it should be the only thing they are eating all things being normal. Adding corn and non-animal protein scraps will lower the overall protein intake below what is needed to maintain body, feather growth and egg laying.
So I increased the ratio of pellets and started giving them their oyster calcium supplement, and bam! Feathers back just in time for the cold. Thanks for the help!
[/IMG]Hi! I have 4 Ameraucanas/EE's. Three have the ear tufts and beards, the other does not. I just noticed a couple of days ago that 2 of the 3 bearded ones have lost the beard/feathers on their throats and the third looks like it may go too. It does appear they're getting new feathers...theyre about a year old. In with 2 Barred Rocks and a Buff Orp and 6 10-week old pullets...any ideas?
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Some of my hens look worst than that but that is because the rosters are busy mating with them, they pull the feather when they chase them. I seen other hens peck at the new feather too so they won't grow if they keep eating them.

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