
May 12, 2024
I am very new to geese. I have a 7 week old female, a lot of her feathers are in but her chest is almost completely bare. It looks like she's over-preening there but I'm not sure and I'm so afraid something is wrong with her and I'm not seeing it! She's showing no signs of illness or mites, nor are her brood-mates, but she's has broken off most of these feathers and the skin is warm to the touch. I spent a good hour just sitting with her and observing her and she is acting completely normal aside from (almost obsessively) preening her chest. I covered it with vaseline and she seemed relieved and paid significantly less attention to her chest. Any ideas for what could be going on and what I should do about it?
How are you keeping them? What type of bedding? How big of an area? Are they outside? Are you offering grass? What type of ration? Need a bit more information. You could pick up some bluekote and try that.

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