feathers in the feeder

Yes, usually every morning I find the feeder like this. I first thought it was the girls, (hens) but why and how could they? I am really leaning to the mouse theory. Although why in the feeder? The hens seem fine and the rooster isn't upset so I guess I will just have to chalk it up to weirdness in the coop. :hmm
That would fit-invisible poop would be gremlins. I did find a small amount of feathers in the feeder this evening so it was done during the day, I've not seen that before. curiouser and curiouser
I did find a small amount of feathers in the feeder this evening so it was done during the day
Will be curious to see if there's more in the morning.
Get out there early before the birds are off the roost.
You might need to set up a game cam to figure out how this is happening.

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