Feathers not growing back


Sep 29, 2020

I currently have 9 barred rock hens and 3 of them have completely bare backs, and a few with bare bottoms since around spring time. I've kept aprons on them since they lost their feathers but nothing is coming back. They have access to a dust bath containing sand, DE & wood ash. I also keep the rooster out of their coop/run except he goes back in at night to sleep. I have 4 roosters total (3 of them are never with the hens) and none of them have lost any feathers. The hens have a coop inside the barn (8x12) where I use wood shavings for the bedding and they also have an outdoor run (10x30) with just dirt and when we are home they free range in their own yard area.

I have never been able to find any lice/mites on them and I have also never seen them peck at each other so I am confused as to why their feathers are not growing back. Do I need to make their run bigger, give them toys or something to keep them more occupied? Any dietary supplements that would benefit them? They currently have free choice layer pellets and they get a bit of scratch grains in the mornings.

Any advice will be appreciated :)
How old are they? As @JacinLarkwell said, when there is feather loss on the backs, presumably from overmating and picking, they do not grow back until the yearly molt. The first one takes place about 18 months old give or take, and then every 12 months thereafter. Some of my first hens who had this issue were bare for 6 months, but their feathers finally came in after that molt.

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