FEB incubation experience -JULY update - BLK. ORP & EE *new pics*

I spy a healthy living moving kicking little blob with veins on the side of the yoke.

going to try a picture .

I think you might be able to see my baby.




Day seven One Third of the way done.
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So today is day 16. Today I have noticed a fluctuation in my humidity and temp. They just seem to keep creeping up on their own. Is this due to the size of the chick??????
Yes, you can git a bit of a temp increase, I haven't noticed the humidity so much. The temp increase shouldn't be drastic though

Not drastic, but because I have kept very close track, it is noticable.
I will keep an eye on it! Thank you!
It is a good thing it is the weekend and I have lots to do the next couple of days. Otherwise I know the time would just creep by. I am so EGG-CITED! for my babies to hatch!
Tomorrow is day 19! WooHoo, hatch week is here! I can't believe it!

Today I put the eggs into a carton without holes cut out of the bottom. Then I put them all back into the incubator and upped the humidity. It is finally holding steady at 63%. I confirmed something today that I had noticed when I candled the eggs 2 days ago. Some of them are significantly heavier then others. A couple of days ago, I thought that maybe I was just thinking that some were heavier than others. I didn't weigh them, but I noticed again today when I moved them. Two of the BBS Orp eggs are lighter then the rest. It will be interesting to see if they hatch or not.
So from this point on, I will NOT open the incubator. I will NOT open the incubator. Remind me of this when I want to take a cute little chickie out!

Tomorrow I will set up my brooder. I am using the same brooder that I used last year when I ordered day old chicks from MMH. Due to its size, I will put up a board and use only about 1/3 of the space. I had 35 chicks in it last year.

Now, if the chicks would just hatch...........

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