February 2022 Hatch-A-Long

@Bananer86: I would give him another day. There was a heartbeat some chicks need just more time.
Thank you. I just wasn’t sure if there may be something wrong. I need this little one to hurry up so I can clean the bator & get it ready for quail eggs 😂 I’ve got a schedule to keep so I can set my Easter Eggers on time for the Easter HAL 😂
Four babies out, 5 more pipped out of the remaining 6 eggs, and it's only day 20! Praise the Lord!!

My last chick pipped on a vein & didn’t make it. My final count was 6/14, still not a great hatch but much much much better than my first & I guess not too bad for winter shipped eggs?

🙏 my quail eggs do better in the March HAL… 3rd hatch is the charm right? I had a dozen jumbo Coturnix eggs come in today & I’ve got a dozen Celadon coming too.
I’ve got my first pip!!! It’s been totally silent, no noise at all. But, earlier today it really had looked like it wasn’t in the same position I had put it in at lock down, so I thought it might be active. I’m incredibly excited about the next 48 hours. Pipped here is Isbar #2 of 3. :wee


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