February Hatch-A-Long

Peeks in...
Hi all. I shouldn't be in here but I'm a baaaad girl and shouldn't have done it but decided to order some eggs and set them up. I also will be getting some chicks soon as well, but guess I'm glutton for punishment if any of these eggs hatch lol

I just placed teh order today so they should be shipping out either tomorrow or Monday. So incubator likely to be set with eggs by next Friday or Saturday or there abouts.

I've never done a barnyard mix hatch so have only about 10 different brees that could hatch if they do, always a big risk with shipped eggs, but can't do worse than my last incubation attempt.
Yeah I tried my own chickens last year plus a few shipped eggs but incubator malfunctions led to 0 hatching out of about 30 eggs. I lost several of my chickens within the last few months including my rooster so need to replace. I'm getting chicks soon anyway even if none hatch.
I have some of my own chicken eggs in the bator. I also have chicken, quail, turkey and duck eggs that were shipped and look to be doing well. My next date to check eggs is the 22nd so I will see what I get from them.
Does a bad egg always develop a blood ring? This egg doesn't seem as developed as the others, but there is no blood ring. I don't know if I should pull it. I am at day 16. There is no oozing or bad smells.
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