February Hatch-A-Long

all of those are purebreds as listed. She had mixed breeds listed but I opted out of mixed breeds and bantams. Yeah like I said it will be a total guessing game seeing what I get. They can come from any breed listed, including multiples of one breed. Just depends on what lays the day or two after I order. It's luck of the lay lol. Will be 26-30 eggs in total. I'm not counting on any to hatch as they are shipped but we shall see.
all of those are purebreds as listed. She had mixed breeds listed but I opted out of mixed breeds and bantams. Yeah like I said it will be a total guessing game seeing what I get. They can come from any breed listed, including multiples of one breed. Just depends on what lays the day or two after I order. It's luck of the lay lol. Will be 26-30 eggs in total. I'm not counting on any to hatch as they are shipped but we shall see.

Well, good luck with the hatch, and I hope that you get some good one's from it!
I need help. Tonight starts day 18 and lock down. I added water in the area away from the eggs, but the humidity is only up to 40 after 3 hours. Does it normally go up slowly? Should I add sponges, and can they be in with the eggs? My incubator is small. I only have 6 eggs in there. Thank you.
I need help. Tonight starts day 18 and lock down. I added water in the area away from the eggs, but the humidity is only up to 40 after 3 hours. Does it normally go up slowly? Should I add sponges, and can they be in with the eggs? My incubator is small. I only have 6 eggs in there. Thank you.

When I go into lock-down, I usually add luke-warm water to increase the humidity. Colder water takes longer to bring the temp back up. I know that you can add damp sponges if you need to. Good luck!
When I go into lock-down, I usually add luke-warm water to increase the humidity. Colder water takes longer to bring the temp back up. I know that you can add damp sponges if you need to. Good luck!
Thank you. I wondered about the cold water, but didn't think of warm water. :) Do you know if the sponges can be in the area with the eggs?
Well, this is day 18 and no motion visible from the 3 remaining eggs. No pips. I've float tested all three and there doesn't seem to be any motion. I put them back in the incubator on a hope, but when should I give the final say about whether to stop incubating?

The 9 babies that did hatch came out on day 16 and one last on day 17
So out of all of the eggs I had shipped, we only have 2 still developing/viable...and of course they're the "mystery" ones.
Any ideas on what they may be? One is very green and the other is tinted/barely brown. Both are normal size, maybe the brown one's a little big?
Also the green one has a pip as of this morning(day 21) and I can hear it chirping :fl IMG_20190218_101515923.jpg

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