february hatch along

I made a semi automatic egg turner today. There's 2 eggs that don't fit. I'm already seeing room for improvement but it does a fair job.

silkies, buff brahmas, easter eggers. marans, mille fleur calico cochins and random intense egg color chicks
bator from farm innovators 4250. seems to be working fine!
is an ovascope worth it? this is part of a homeschool project. i do have the candler that came with the bator.

That's the incubator I have. It has it's shortcomings but none are insurmountable. I've had mixed luck with hatch rates but this time I'm using local bought and my own eggs. Finger crossed for a good February hatch.
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Here you go. I've done like 5-6 hatches and I still feel like I'm figuring it out. So many variables to account for.

That's the incubator I have. I think I'm on my 5th hatch with it. I keep meaning to post an in depth review on BYC. I would recommend it but I have a few pointers. It's good deal for the price but it's not a set it and forget it unit. You'll need to be involved with verifying temperature and humidity. If that's not for you then buy a more expensive machine that does it for you.

Biggest flaw is this unit does have hot spots. In mine it's the left edge of the fan. When full this area is about 1.5-2 degrees warmer than outside edges. I measured this using independent thermometers and checking egg temps. I've had success rotating the eggs daily through the incubator. I do this by moving them all down a row. Then bottom row to the top. This is so all eggs get a chance in the hotter and cooler areas. In hopes of evening out development and avoiding a staggered hatch. After the first candling I stop this as usually numbers have thinned enough its unnecessary.

Temperature sensor placement and security is key. It comes attached to a clear plastic square so it will float over the top of the egg. After having it drop down between eggs into turner and barbecue 2 dozen Marans eggs I don't take chances. I tape it right onto the top of an egg in the hot zone. This makes it a little fiddly but is well worth it. I've never had temperature spike with it secured this way. I also use thermometers on both sides and sometimes I drop a meat thermometer down the large vent holes. This might seem like overkill but the purpose was to identify and correct fluctuations.

Make temperature adjustments half degree at a time. Wait 15 minutes before adjusting again. Especially when turning it up! This takes time to do properly. Plan accordingly.

This should not be advertised as a 41 egg turner. The bottom row, near the turner motor, has too great of a temperature variance. Because the fan and heating element are not located in the center of the unit but towards to top. I would not use the bottom row at all. The temperature on this row is a full 4 degrees colder than the warmest eggs. This means it's really a 35 egg turner at most. This might factor into your decision to get one or not.

The humidity on mine calibrated 3% low. Not too bad but worth noting. This unit really shines as a hatcher. It maintains humidity and temp very nicely with less opening and closing and the turner pulled out. I generally incubate in a fully indoor basement room. But for lockdown I bring it upstairs, into the kitchen, so the kids and I can keep a closer eye on things. It's never had a problem maintaining temp/humidity despite this shuffling.

Let me know is you have any questions. I'm still working towards 100% hatch rate but I'm confident one day soon I'll get there! I love hatching and this little machine is definitely a good partner in crime.
im wanting to get some polish eggs to incubate but im not sure where to get some does any one know a good breeder that ships at a good price
Yeah! I'm joining the hatch a long. I see some familiar names already.

Just a few days ago I noticed my hens' eggs looked fertile. The rooster in with the is only 5 months and I wasn't expecting this so early in the year. I'm not expecting high fertility so I also picked up a dozen barnyard mixes locally. There may be a few purebreds in there but I'll take what I can get.

I'll be building a semi automatic egg today or tomorrow. Hand turning this many eggs is already old. Since they're all local eggs I'm going to try incubating and hatching on their side. That'll be a first for me.

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Oh those are Pretty! Glad you are in here. And, where did you get eggs locally? :p

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