Feed is accumulating in rooster's throat!

Jul 8, 2017
Right now when I was closing the coop I noticed my 3 year-old naked-neck rooster has a huge ball in his throat! It's really hard and I think it's his feed. I think it's building up! He is just standing there kinda opening and closing his mouth. I tried to give him some water (not with syringe just brought the water closer to him and tried to encouraged him to drink it) but is refusing to drinking it. It's not close to his crop but in the upper part of his neck.

Here he is.

I noticed white foamy stuff is coming out of his mouth. Is it just spit?
I would try to drip water in his mouth and see if he gets it into his crop. May also try yogurt. Last resort message his neck see if he’ll regergatate it up.

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