Feed Management Methods [Poll]

How do you keep your Flock???

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Crossing the Road
Jun 7, 2020
North FL Panhandle Region / Wiregrass
I have some suspicions - suspicions I've put in print - about the "typical" BYC poster and the way they keep their chickens. A fellow poster called me on it, and I realized I had no "hard data", which makes my very common post beginning "for the backyard owner, of the typical backyard flock..." just loaded full of assumptions I can't back up.

Please HELP. Planning a follow up poll on flock composition - maybe next week.

/edit If you maintain multiple flocks with differing management methods (Thank you @Dinoroar - i had not considered the possibility) you may now cast a vote for each method that you use.
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I have some suspicions - suspicions I've put in print - about the "typical" BYC poster and the way they keep their chickens. A fellow poster called me on it, and I realized I had no "hard data", which makes my very common post beginning "for the backyard owner, of the typical backyard flock..." just loaded full of assumptions I can't back up.

Please HELP. Planning a follow up poll on flock composition - maybe next week.
Good man.:) I've voted with respect to the Ex Battery hens I'm caring for.
Interesting poll. I cast my vote based on my main egg flock who are at liberty to come and go as they please. Some sleep in their coop some up in trees I give them feed in the evening and always make sure there is water available so they’re not Really feral… but pretty close 😂.

But I also have more of a ‘pet’ flock who are kept secure in a coop and run with supervised free range time. And then the seramas who sleep in a cage on my enclosed sun porch and go in the fenced the garden area during the day, So really I should cast more than one vote.
Interesting poll. I cast my vote based on my main egg flock who are at liberty to come and go as they please. Some sleep in their coop some up in trees I give them feed in the evening and always make sure there is water available so they’re not Really feral… but pretty close 😂.

But I also have more of a ‘pet’ flock who are kept secure in a coop and run with supervised free range time. And then the seramas who sleep in a cage on my enclosed sun porch and go in the fenced the garden area during the day, So really I should cast more than one vote.
I don't know how to make that poll. Let me see if I can alter it for multiple votes.

/edit FIXED - please cast your additional votes @Dinoroar !!!
Breaks out calculator to see if 1k sf each. yes, but they don't utilize all of it.
the follow up will be asking about the grounds on which they free range - to sort the small back yard full of grass from the pasture of grass, the pasture of grain, the fruit orchard, and the chickens being used to keep the veggie gardens bug free. Since each involve diferent forage variety and quantity. It will take me a few days to come up with the "answers" to that poll to capture the data I want.
the follow up will be asking about the grounds on which they free range - to sort the small back yard full of grass from the pasture of grass, the pasture of grain, the fruit orchard, and the chickens being used to keep the veggie gardens bug free. Since each involve diferent forage variety and quantity. It will take me a few days to come up with the "answers" to that poll to capture the data I want.
If it helps, my orchard ares has sand pear, olive, and persimmon :sick. Apple at one time, but fire blight.

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