Feed Mills


9 Years
Mar 5, 2010
How can I find a feed mill by me, I am looking to buy a ton of feed and not just bags from the feed store and haveing to pay 17$ for meat bird feed. Where should I go to find these mills near my farm, ive tried google but I feel I am doing it wrong.. Also how much feed should I 150 cornish Xs eat in 8 weeks?

Are you in a farming area that grows grain? If you aren't they might be few and far between. In my part of the country almost every town has a grain elevator/feed mill so they're easy to find.
In my area theres lots of potaotes farms and tomatoes and strawberries not many grain at all.

Thanks for the link of feed mills. I hate how the nearest mill is all the way across the state in Miami.

Maybe try calling one of them (like the Cargills), and seeing if there is a smaller satellite mill near?

For instance, in the town I grew up in, we had a big ADM mill which was HUGE, but we also had a town mill, which is where we got most of the mix feed for the horses. They would do custom mixes, where the ADM mill was more for selling grain after harvest (they'd dry it and then ship it out by rail). If you wanted to buy feed, ADM would send you to the small mill.

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