Feed problem


Sep 5, 2019
we give our chickens layer feed from an amish farmer and it is kinda powdery and I have noticed that all they eat is the big chunks or corn and stuff and leave all of the powdery corn and nutrients just sitting there. I heard something about soaking the feed in water, kinda fermenting it? I don't know if anyone has done this or has any tips.
thanks in advance
I would advise against adding any water to the feed, as that is how you end up with moldy feed. I fed mine a similar sounding mix over the summer, and they will eat it, just give them time.
His grinder is probably not set up correctly, the hammers are probably worn. Unless he fixes the grinder you will be dealing with this problem. Simply adding water introduces more challenges into the feeding equation. If he cannot set up his grinder correctly how can you ensure he is mixing the feed properly?
Try fermenting a small batch for 24 hours and see how it comes out - just put roughly equal parts water and feed in a open jar or container. You want a result that looks like clumpy oatmeal, so that it makes it difficult for birds to be choosy about what they're eating. They need to be eating everything in the feed for it to function as a complete feed, otherwise it's more like scratch.
we give our chickens layer feed from an amish farmer and it is kinda powdery and I have noticed that all they eat is the big chunks or corn and stuff and leave all of the powdery corn and nutrients just sitting there. I heard something about soaking the feed in water, kinda fermenting it? I don't know if anyone has done this or has any tips.
thanks in advance
That's what I did with mine and my chickens loved it. I used warm water in it, although I didn't ferment it. I switched to the pellets. They were ok with the pellets, but went back to the crumbles today and they seem to like it more.

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