Feed question


Corrupted by a Redneck
10 Years
Aug 20, 2009
OK, I ordered the book, Chickens for dummies, but it ain't here yet. So, I have a broody who just hatched me two chicks. We are playing musical chicken coops this weekend, so at the moment they are in my little "t" coop- tractor pulled kind. They are in there with 3 other little chicks who were hatched in july.

So, here is the dilemma- when I leave the babies with mom, which i prefer to do- what do I feed? mom needs the laying mash, and the babies need the baby feed, and the tweeners do their own thing I guess. I tried explaining that they each had to eat from thier own bowls, but no one is listening. Suggestions?
We feed ourbroodies the starter grower along with the chicks until they can be out with the other chickens. The hen will generally not start to lay again until she starts distancing herself from the chicks. With ours, it is usually around 4 weeks.
I get a small bag of starter until the chicks join the big flock. This is okay for mom. Currently, the big flock is on Flockraiser, since I have youngsters who just turned 16 weeks and shouldn't consume the extra calcium in Layena, but I do have a bowl of oyster shells for whoever needs it. Once everyone is old enough, it'll be Layena for everyone.

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