Feed Store Not telling??

Mine has a sign posted over the chickies. The hatchery is only a few blocks down the road even. I would print a copy of the responses here and let them know that secrets are for hiding things . . . wonder what they are hiding or do they just not know what image a response like that presents. Maybe the owners just need to have a chat about customer service with employees.
Mine orders from a couple different places, but they had no problem telling me which ones and letting me order specific birds through them.
Its a small town feed store and they are family owned and operated. It was the owner I know for sure. I can recognize her voice. If she did mark them up some I could understand that. She is having them in her store on her time and dollar and sells from 1 to 50 at a time so there is no guarantee what she can sell. For a guy who only got 6 I wouldn't be buying from a hatchery for obvious reasons. The closest hatchery is in NM and way on the other side of the state, so thats not an option either. I really dont know what they are scared of. Make no sense:rolleyes:.
One of the small feed stores a couple towns from me gets some of their chicks from local ppl. I would think they would gladly disclose the info to you though.
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Of the three feed stores in my area that carry chicks, two will tell me the name of the hatchery, and one will not. BTW at the one that won't, I did speak to the owners. The one that won't couldn't give me a understandable answer on whether they were getting "straight run" or "sexed pullets" on a specific shipment. Said it was "straight run", but "sexed to 90%", because it was "really expensive" to sex chicks. huh
Because of that, and the hatchery hiding, I decided not to buy even though they have the first shipment of chicks I want. No good reason to hide the name, in my opinion.
My answer would have been "Then I'm sorry but I'll go elsewhere for my chicks and supplies from now on." I had to say that to a dog food company once. I asked what mill they used and they said that's proprietary information. Ok if I can't know where the food is coming from and how it's treated then I'm not spending $40 a bag on it. Everyone else will happily tell me that information. I want to know what quality I can expect in the chicks and what breeds are available for me to order so I want to know what hatchery or if they are from individuals. It also could be useful to know how far and through what weather they are shipped from so I have an idea how stressed their new chicks might be.
Well I just found out that the other most recently opened feed store in town is now going to be carrying chicks. They are up and coming and more friendly. Cheaper on feed as well. So guess what..................
maybe they wont tell you because they dont want you to know how much they mark them up.Not that we would know they get them cheaper than we see them when we order them anyways.my mother in law works at a feed store.maybe if you just tell him you want to make sure they are from the same place as your others so your not cross breeding they might tell you.

most around here use ideal.infact all five here i think use ideal.
Our local feed store marks their chicks up buy a $1 so instead of $2.87 your paying $3.87 but they willing tell you which hatchery they came from, order some for you, and theones that make good pets, egg layers and dinner

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