Feed Tests - More Results

Thank you! I truly don't remember participating in that thread at all, but am definitely here for it! Lol I did experience a brief halt in laying when I tried switching feeds (same brand, just went from 20% starter crumbles to 17% all flock pellets and then back again lol), but I figured it was the change in protein levels between the feeds and not that the feed itself was contaminated or anything lol.
That's because the bags after they are filled goes on a conveyer belt and go under a UV light that injects the medication at a molecular level so it can get through the bag. Not all bags are exposed to the light.
Wow. It's amazing they aren't charging $10,864 per bag, with this kind of sophisticated technology.
I love the fact people are just labeling folks because we don't mindlessly follow the conspiracy hysteria. :caf so mature and perfect role models for the children....

This "government slag" will state that she happy to havd confirmation bias win this round. My money is if anything this bizarre weather and new chicken owners who are wannabe off gridders on crack that think any scientific book is government propaganda and that essential oils cure all don't mix.

Yes I am in a mood.
I love the fact people are just labeling folks because we don't mindlessly follow the conspiracy hysteria. :caf so mature and perfect role models for the children....

This "government slag" will state that she happy to havd confirmation bias win this round. My money is if anything this bizarre weather and new chicken owners who are wannabe off gridders on crack that think any scientific book is government propaganda and that essential oils cure all don't mix.

Yes I am in a mood.
Tell us how you really feel!

If I did I would get a ruler smacking on the wrist for language and extra creative insults that would make their ancestors weep. :D
I understand.

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