Feed Tests - More Results

Snow White And The Seven Dwarves Dwarf GIF
Wish I could've afforded more tests. I just couldn't in good conscience lay down more $.

You went above and beyond already.
Aunty, you absolutely did more than your share. Don’t waste any more money.
Unfortunately, it isn’t going to change anyone’s mind, but the whole thing has taught me a lot about reading feed labels which is good. Thank you also to @U_Stormcrow for all his help on that too.
This topic more than any other has made me want an eye roll emoji to use in response to certain posts.
We need that!
Thank you @Kiki for tagging everyone, I did want to see the info, but the original thread was too hard to keep up with.

I had to read 8 pages to post this! Awfully triggering this topic! No wonder the algorithms are spinning it into a frothy conspiracy.

And great thanks to @Aunt Angus for bringing science to the party. I know he is sometimes a "long-winded-zealot-guest-at-a-frat-house" kind of dinner guest, (to be fair he can sometimes be oblivious to a good metaphor) but I find him sweet just the same.

I didn't hear about the conspiracy until I read the post, but I often wonder if the labels are really accurate. Very interesting to read the smart people discuss the label info.

I do NOT want to feed the flame of conspiracy, but I have wondered if the type of protein might not sometimes shift to being something less digestible from time to time as grain prices shift. They guarantee protein but they do not guarantee the source. Same suspicions about the source of calcium... (Why isn't all that on the label?)

I suspect that sometimes they use one grain and other times another because (1) shifting market prices, especially with a war in a grain producing region, (2) I have met people who are allergic to eggs, but not allergic to my eggs. (Maybe the commercial eggs use something that those particular humans don't digest but is cheaper?)

****** (Tongue in cheek)*****
If your feed really is stopping laying, please rebag into smaller bags and put in freezer. It is VERY valuable. I would buy it when I have a hen with reproductive issues and I dearly want her to stop while she heals. The option of hormone implants is around $600 USD every 4 to 6 months (based on the post I recently saw from a duck-mom) and that I don't have. (Unless I stop paying for the mortgage and the electric bill)

Oh! And in order to push the ball down a new hill (in case you are reading this and need a new conspiracy)

***Conspiracy needs two ingredients, (1) true/observable (usually harmless), (2) the other just a little beyond true but containing a frequent foe, like govt/corporations/other surrogate for a bad parent.

Optional 3rd ingredient is a cure for sale****

(Ingredient 1)
the Earth's magnetic (metal) core has been detected to have stopped spinning. (True and harmless)

*****(This part is silly, but almost plausible)******
Maybe in the same way that migratory birds use the Earth's magnetic field to navigate our hens use that spin to decide when it is safe to lay eggs.

(Ingredient 2)
Maybe there are actually govt tests using something that is causing the core to stop spinning. Nuclear does it... So a power source for electric vehicles? Also EMP (electro magnetic pulse in movies). Maybe they are testing big weapons because of Russia or Russia is testing weapons.

****(Ingredient 3, cure I can sell you)****
So maybe if you hide some fridge magnets in the coop, or under the nest boxes they will start laying. But if you aren't seeing results I have some special rocks that are magnetic and you could put them in the coop.

Profits from sale of rocks will be donated to @Aunt Angus to refund the tests.

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