Feed Tests - More Results

Yes. As much as I could. But it doesn't matter. I've come to realize (several hundred dollars later) that nothing anyone does will make anyone change their minds regardless of where they fall on this issue.
I started out leaning one way, and falling another. There are plenty of people who have kept an open mind, waiting for more information. Many of them follow silently because of responses like this and others on this thread.

Your money was not wasted, unless you choose to look at it that way. Plenty of us followed along quietly and appreciate the information.
Did you research who funds this lab? The people who run & own the lab? The workers in charge of the sample? I'm super curious about their credentials.
Like, I get what your saying but I hope you realize how paranoid that sounds.
Would you believe most government workers are good, honest people?
Funny how no one asks that about the vloggers spreading the bad info....
Instead it's
"you wave at the post man, a government employee, you must be in league with the government"
Aunty, you absolutely did more than your share. Don’t waste any more money.
Unfortunately, it isn’t going to change anyone’s mind, but the whole thing has taught me a lot about reading feed labels which is good. Thank you also to @U_Stormcrow for all his help on that too.
This topic more than any other has made me want an eye roll emoji to use in response to certain posts.
We need that!
This testing has highlighted some less than accurate info on some feed.
Like, I get what your saying but I hope you realize how paranoid that sounds.
Would you believe most government workers are good, honest people?
Funny how no one asks that about the vloggers spreading the bad info....
Instead it's
"you wave at the post man, a government employee, you must be in league with the government"
I see it all as wanting facts. Taking in to consideration that there are such things as coincidences, as we all should. But do I want the people who make the food to also be testing it? No. That’s illogical. There’s nothing paranoid about wanting the whole picture.

I question vloggers the same. Well maybe not vloggers, because to be honest idk what that is. But that guy who said he’d test the feed and then claimed to have found things, but then never published anything. He lost all credibility. But again, I like the WHOLE picture. It’s not paranoid, it’s thorough. But that’s just my perspective.
I’ve been following silently. Thank you for sharing all of this information!! I started out unsure, but with an open mind, because how can you learn without facts? This has all been very helpful!

However I’ll add my two cents just because most of you folks do. I think the term conspiracy theorist is over used and creates issues in conversation. The second you call someone a conspiracy theorist 1) they don’t feel like their opinion is valued and they lose interest in talking with you and 2) that’s the category you lump them in and therefore do take them less seriously, if at all. It prevents open dialogue and I personally find it unnecessary. Should you have to change the words and terms you use? No. Do I expect you to? No. But I just wanted to throw that out there because I really like open, respectful dialogue from all sides.
I think you make a valid point. Good observation.
I have been following this thread silently as others have. Aunt Angus thank you for having the feed tested and U_Stormcrow for all your chemistry evauluation of the the different feeds. I was just in TS to pick up fencing and wanted to check on their All flock feed. For those of you whose chickens took off laying I hope your layers start back soon. If you know your chickens well maybe they just took time off to rest. I have 3 pullets that just stared to lay in August. My Dominique layed almost every day till about 2 weeks ago. One of the Delawares has laid almost everyday until lately. And then the other Delaware has just declared that she is going to lay more eggs than the other two. We have a rooster who has just figured out he is a rooster and wants to court the older girls. (being the man that he is he is trying real hard to figure them out) there are 4 pullets that he grew up with that are just coming into lay. So for about 4 or 5 that are laying I am getting about 18 eggs a week. There is also a rather noisy raccoon that will take a midday or early morning stroll that they might get a glimpse of. A family of 6 or more deer that like to look in the coop window on occasion. ....but the main thing that seems to stagger the egg laying is the quality of the treats and if they get some free range time, age of chickens. All these things plus crazy weather may be playing a part on how they lay. As to the bad feed it could be sorta like the Covid shot. Their may be ingredients in it that could cause harm to someones system. While this is not too much of an issue for BY chicken keepers (we can can hopefully change their feed) for a large operation it could be devastating. The breeds of chickens are so varied that it would be hard to create a perfect generic feed to suit them all. Feed makers would not intentionally taint their feed. It makes for bad business. If you have had an issue with feed chances are the maker would like to know about it. Dumor and TS feed are made by Purina.

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