Feedback on Learning Center "Treats Chart"

Hi I went through the treat chart this afternoon and tried my girls with some tomato flesh and seeds - they loved them. Their favourites are grain bread and tinned corn kernels. If you could give me some input on greens - my silkie bantams will not eat anything green I give them so I think I have the only chickens in Äustralia that won't eat food scraps. They will eat the leaves of my agave plants and some other plants in the garden but nothing green I give them (lettuce, spinach, cabbabe, silverbeat etc etc etc). Does anyone else have chickens like this????
Mine are not thrilled with either greens or bread, but if nothing tastier is available, they will eat the greens (usually swiss chard because I grow it - it survives the heat) before they'll touch the bread. I don't know why. The bread sits around the pen and my dogs want it, so I usually toss it out for the dogs after an hour or 2. It's whole wheat bread.
Not starting a new thread for this one, but will chickens eat aphids? 4 new strands of my cantaloupe vine were covered with aphids this morning, so I cut them off and put them in the chicken pen with the girls, figuring they'd be interested - nooooo - they decided it was time for me to practice my chicken herding skills, I finally ended up getting some grapes out there to help with the roundup. Grapes are for those extra special moments when my diet is not as important as catching my hens....

Anyway, I left the aphid covered cantaloupe vines in there. If anyone has experience to share, it would be welcome.

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awesome job! however, i'm still curious about bell peppers?
is that a yay or nay on letting them eat em? thanks so much!
Nice list...thanks for all the work you put into it.
I so many others...spoil mine rotten, and it is nice to know what is safe for them.
It has been trial and error to see what they like. Some things more than ohers.

It tickles me to see how they "check things out" before they will try the "new" thing in the coop.

We gave ours something I haven't seen anyone else mention yet.
A wasp nest full of wasp larve.
They ignored the nest all together. So I had to go in...and tear it up for them to see the goodies
inside.Then they ate like there was no tomorrow.
Thanks for the List!!!!
I love spoiling my girls, but I am always leery of what to give them, am printing this out and putting it on the fridge! My girls REFUSE to eat anything green except fresh cut grass. Lettuce, cabbage, beans.... they think I am nuts. Bread, figs (have a fig tree going nuts producing) and sunflower seeds are always welcome, frozen blueberries always causes a game of keep away!

Thanks for all your hard work compiling this as well as answering all the questions. Great stuff!
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