Feeding chicks treats


Feb 28, 2020
I am wondering what treats might be okay for 7 week old chicks

With my first batch I was able to train them to come when I make a sound, by making that sound when I feed them. It took a bit for them to catch on because the only thing I knew that I could safely feed them was their feed and it was too dry to find fresh worms. It wasn’t until I could give them high value treats like worms that it really started to work. It has been so useful being able to have them come when they call, so I wanted to start early with my new batch.
Ive been told and read that we should be careful what we give and how often because they can get fat. I have been mindful of the amount and what I give my 4 chickens.
When Pepper my rooster starts crowing early in the morning he and Rosie get let out of the coop and each get about 1/2 a cup of fresh corn.So do the other 2. He stops crowing and I go back to sleep. Lol. At our dinnertime I give them the corn and any leftover fruits or veggies or pasta, again in small amounts.
Is that OK? Every 2-4 days I toss dried mealworms around so they have to search for them.
Any other ideas??
I am wondering what treats might be okay for 7 week old chicks

I started feeding my chicks kitchen scraps, in limited amounts, about that age. They still have lots of growing to do at that age, so I try and keep young chickens on mostly commercial feed. My grown chickens now get all our kitchen scraps along with grass clippings and weeds pulled from the garden. I turned their chicken run into a compost in place system so they scratch and peck all day out in the chicken run compost looking for bugs and insects, I imagine.

My chickens come running to me if they see a bucket in my hand. We keep a chicken bucket in the kitchen for scraps to feed to the chickens. Over time, I guess the chickens have associated that bucket with good things to eat. I have not bothered to train my chickens, but I suppose you could use any call along with any treats and over time the chickens would associate your call with treats to eat.

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