feeding chicks

A chick hatched is still working off the yolk from being in the egg. They aren't too hungry for a day or two. More importantly, dip their beaks in the water, which normally gives them a clue about drinking. As for eating, they'll find it. I've never had one not "learn" to eat, all by themselves, in 50 years, I think. You might tap the feed lightly which may or may not send a signal to the chick.
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I put feed in these feeders and the chicks will eventually investigate and peck at the food. When they realize what it is they run to it when I fill it.

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I'll have to measure it. I bought the base cabinet at a yard sale and modified it to use as a brooder cabinet. I did the wire so the chicks are on wire so that way they stay cleaner and so does their feed and water.


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