Feeding Scraps to chicks


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
I have 6 chicks, who seem to be about 4 weeks. Can I start giving them table scraps? I have been told they will eat just about anything. Also when should I be giving them sand to scratch at? My chicks are still indoors, my husband is building a coop for them now, plus they don't have their feathers yet. I keep them in a bason tub, with newspaper and then a thick layer of wood chips. Is that enough for them to scratch at?
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new@chickens6 :

I have 6 chicks, who seem to be about 4 weeks. Can I start giving them table scraps? I have been told they will eat just about anything. Also when should I be giving them sand to scratch at? My chicks are still indoors, my husband is building a coop for them now, plus they don't have their feathers yet. I keep them in a bason tub, with newspaper and then a thick layer of wood chips. Is that enough for them to scratch at?

Yes they can have table scraps. Small amounts as a treat. A general rule of thumb is if you would eat it, it is OK for chickens. If you question a specific food just ask. I stick to softer foods and/or chopped small when they are little.

They do probably need to have grit available to help digest the table scraps, Either very coarse sand or go to the feedstore and get chick grit.

They don't need sand to scratch in, they may like it though. Also they can dustbathe in it as well.

Thanks. That is super helpful. We gave them potato peels and they were very uninterested. Will have to try something else for a "treat" for them!
new@chickens6 :

Thanks. That is super helpful. We gave them potato peels and they were very uninterested. Will have to try something else for a "treat" for them!

Funny you would mention potato peels. If they are green, not a good idea to feed to anything.
Also, any dried beans need to be cooked.

I give my chicks right now: julienned spinach, finely chopped cabbage, oats, diced cheerios, gr beans, carrots, bread, pasta etc. Haven't tried any fruit yet, but will soon

Great Idea! I have plenty of cheerios in my house. I will give them some tonight after I clean their area.
Somewhere I read that you shouldn't give your chickens potato peels. Is that true? We give our older hens kitchen scraps other than potato peels. I usually chop everything up. Is that really necessary? Our 14 baby chicks are almost 4 weeks old. We put them out in the garage this week in a large dog cage with two heat lamps. Will be moving them into the barn in a week or two. Will they still need the lamps?
If the potato peel are green, it's probably not good for any animal. Just normal potato peels are OK.

It is not needed to chop everything up for adults. Unless you want to. For chicks I would think it a good idea.

They won't be fully feathered till about 6-7 weeks depending on the breed. They also need to be weaned from the heat slowly, so it is not such a shock to them.

I tried giving mine some scraps this week and they wouldn't touch it. My other bunch would have inhaled it! They just all looked at it weird and would look at me like, "what are we supposed to do with this mom?"

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