Feeding your chickens apples

I tried grapes..once...they all ran over excited, then stopped, looking confused, and wandered off. They won't try even if they're cut in half! Weird birds...
They are huge fans of summer watermelon, though.
Mine like about anything from the garden. They really loved the weeds I pulled for them though, went crazy for them. I have an overloaded crab apple tree that I have been picking and feeding to them, I don't give them the apples everyday though. Talking about birds eating fermented apples, the wild birds gorge their selves on these apples when they have been laying on the ground for awhile and they are so funny to watch walking around in a half drunken state!
Mine are also especially fond of the apples when they are soft and mushy. Maybe now I know why LOL
Mine eat almost everything we give them!! Some times my boys will take food outside to eat like poptarts and share with the chickens.
cantaloupe is one of my chickens favorites. They got all of my very small melons that grew to late. Perfect for the chickens. They also like grapes. They don't seem crazy about strawberries, which surprised me.
We have a couple of apple trees and end up with more than we can use for ourselves. I give the chickens the peelings when I make applesauce and they love it. I also chop up the extra fruit and freeze the chopped apples, and extra apple peelings to give to the hens as a treat in the winter as it's too cold for them to free range. They go crazy for it, seeds and all. We also give them carrot peels, and other vegetable scraps and peels. They don't like potato peels though. I figure they haven't survived as a species for all these years without knowing what foods they can and can't eat. I don't give them chicken or eggs though. Since the bse issue with cattle, it just doesn't seem right.
apparently the green in the potatoe skins is very bad for the chickens so I just wouldn't include potatoe skins in your feed. That or avocados. I pretty much give the chickens any of the scraps that would normally go down the garbage disposer. They love it. I also feed back the egg shells so they get the calcium they need to lay more eggs. They pretty much insist on their dose of egg shells. My Little Red gets pretty vocal when she hasn't had her egg shells. LOL
We have apple trees and free range our flock. They seem to be interested in the apples now during fall. (Only the apples on the ground rotting.) They eat all the meaty part but seem to leave the cores. They weren't keen on eating them when they were green. Same goes for our purple grapes. They jump up into the trees to snatch the fruit. Pretty clever birds..
I tried grapes..once...they all ran over excited, then stopped, looking confused, and wandered off. They won't try even if they're cut in half! Weird birds...
They are huge fans of summer watermelon, though.

The first time I fed my chicks grapes they all looked at me like I was crazy. As soon as I held the grapes in my hand they went nuts over them. I guess somethings are only good if your holding them. lol.
Im going to try the pumpking for sure can I feed my girls butternut as I have some from my allotment . My girls love a Apple I hang them in there run thay go crazy . I read you can give them oranges so I did thay realy loved it gone in seconds but them I read not to give them citrus so now not sure if thay can have citrus any advice x

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