Feel like I shouldn't even bother.

Peeper89 - I don't think that is op's view, she is worried about the chickens unhappiness in their run and is feeling guilty that the birds seem unhappy about staying in the coop/run.

My suggestion is to improve the run, add bedding to the run, such as old hay or straw, pile it in deep, and they can scratch it up. Add multiple levels to the run, adding perches, pallets or old chairs or ladders to the run gives the birds more exercise using the vertical space.

Chickens really don't feel unhappiness unless you have them severely over crowded. If so, you might need to cull some, to better fit your set up.

Mrs K
Since our neighbour two houses up got a dog, we can't let our chickens free range anymore as his dog will definitely eat them.
Approaching the owner about their dog is a touchy subject, because our old dog used to run at their car every time they'd drive down the road and give them a heart attack.....plus, down by the river we all share each others property for our boats and docks...and our boat and dock are technically on their property. Not an easy situation.
I just messaged my neighbour asking if his dog was out.....if they aren’t home today, then the chickens would be fine to free range.
The only time they can come out now is in the evenings, just before roost time, and only if I'm either out there or can keep a close eye on our yard. They are totally safe as long as they stay within our fenced yard - but they often go through the fence to get to the forest/hill covered with leaves so they can scratch.

Peeper89 - I don't think that is op's view, she is worried about the chickens unhappiness in their run and is feeling guilty that the birds seem unhappy about staying in the coop/run.
My suggestion is to improve the run, add bedding to the run, such as old hay or straw, pile it in deep, and they can scratch it up. Add multiple levels to the run, adding perches, pallets or old chairs or ladders to the run gives the birds more exercise using the vertical space.
Chickens really don't feel unhappiness unless you have them severely over crowded. If so, you might need to cull some, to better fit your set up.
Mrs K

sorrryyy but post is not clear - have to go by what they say!!!! they and chicken not happy because neighbor has new dog OP already say chicken go out of yard - is this to neighbor yard where dog is? if dog is in own yard chicken need to stay in own yard too
dont see where it neighbor problem if dog is not wondering loose and is in own yard now they messaging neighbor to see if dog is put up so they can let chicken roam where they please (OUT OF THEIR OWN YARD/FENCE) that is jus not right OP already say chicken is safe in own yard but they go out of yard and not safe so keeping chicken in own yard is they responsibility not neighbors

agree that fixin fence and givin chicken somthing to do is good idea lots peeps keep chicken in run and chicken seem happy take a little more effort but u can keep chicken occupied peeps put mis placed emotion on chicken

lots of wisdom behind say of good fences make good neighbors
I agree with most of what has been said. The solution is easy. If you want them to be able to move beyond their run, just fence your property better to contain them. You could use electric poultry netting - very easy to set up and effective. Clip a wing if they want to go over, but for most breeds/temperaments that shouldn’t be an issue. If your problem is that your chickens like to go forage beyond your property lines... well - tough luck... It’s not the neighbors’ fault and I don’t think they should be asked to report to anyone wether the dog will be home or not. Most people who own chickens can not just let them run all over the place...
Even though we live in a rural area, we do have neighbors through the woods, and we had a problem with their dog coming over to our property and killing our chickens. When I confronted them about controlling their dog they seemed surprised, sorry, and wondered where all the dead chickens in their yard were coming from :barnie. The eventual solution was that they sent the dog to live with a relative (then got another dog), and I raised my fence to 8' high and stopped free ranging my chickens unless I am there to watch them. They were sorry and even offered to pay for the dead chickens, which I refused. Not a great situation for either of us, but its kept peace in the neighborhood. There is something to be said for being on good terms with the neighbors.
Just an idea, we have a empty lot next door, one neighbor would come with his dogs so he could throw a ball and they could run, I would take my girls out to graze. We ended up working out a semi-schedule, so the girls could graze and the dogs could come and run at different times. Perhaps you could do something like this with your neighbor, since you seem to share a few things already. Good luck
Oh my gosh. I haven’t been on here in a day so I missed all this.
They are on our property. The woods are on our property. We have a section of our property cleared and fenced for our kids and dog. The property outside the fence is ours. The dog is coming two houses down to our house. The chickens are nowhere near his property.
Do you honestly think I’d be annoyed about his dog if my chickens were going onto his property???? I’d have no right to be! The whole issue is that his dog is coming down here.

Anyway, I spoke to him this weekend and he was so thankful that I let him know about his dog. He said he’s going to be more careful and apologized.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear, but I didn’t need to be jumped all over! Holy smokes. I’m not on here every day....so I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner and clarify it all. Still, I’m surprised anyone would think I’d be upset if my chickens were on his property......that just doesn’t make sense.
Oh my gosh. I haven’t been on here in a day so I missed all this.
They are on our property. The woods are on our property. We have a section of our property cleared and fenced for our kids and dog. The property outside the fence is ours. The dog is coming two houses down to our house. The chickens are nowhere near his property.
Do you honestly think I’d be annoyed about his dog if my chickens were going onto his property???? I’d have no right to be! The whole issue is that his dog is coming down here.

Anyway, I spoke to him this weekend and he was so thankful that I let him know about his dog. He said he’s going to be more careful and apologized.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear, but I didn’t need to be jumped all over! Holy smokes. I’m not on here every day....so I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner and clarify it all. Still, I’m surprised anyone would think I’d be upset if my chickens were on his property......that just doesn’t make sense.
That was how it came across - sorry for the misunderstanding. You’d be surprised, though. There are actually people who do think that way! I’m so glad you talked to your neighbor and worked things out!
That was how it came across - sorry for the misunderstanding. You’d be surprised, though. There are actually people who do think that way! I’m so glad you talked to your neighbor and worked things out!
It did .....kinda.
But needed clarification, and that was asked for, but many did not wait for that clarification from the OP before spouting off. SMH.
Oops that went off the rails a bit didn't it! But some pretty silly things do get brought here, you'd be surprised.

Maybe you could consider adding 2 simple electric lines around the area they like to forage in. Great news that the neighbor will do their part, but I've never heard of a fox as respectful!

$30 for a small electric fence charger that does I think about 2 miles of wire, and the wire and insulators are pretty cheap as well.

Good luck, keep those birds and your good neighbor.

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