Feeling very discouraged with my first broody hatch!


7 Years
Sep 19, 2012
Well, it's day 21 and so far I had a chick hatch prematurely and didn't absorb its yolk. Then mama kicked an egg out that was partially hatched that was facing the wrong way and hadn't absorbed its yolk either. On day 17 an egg got crushed so the chick died obviously. It looks like the last 4 Blue Andalusian eggs are pipping and nothing from the 6 Orpington eggs. Any advice or words of wisdom would be great. I know I can't control nature, but I was really hoping this hatch would be different!
I feel as frustrated as you. Mine smashed one of the only two viable eggs that were left after the baby peeped. It was still alive so I reviewed all the "helping baby" rules and tried to help it, but it was too weak to kick out of the shell. After I helped it out hours later, it looked as if it might make it....and then died. :( So the other egg did hatch (on day 28!!!!) and the baby was nestled securely under mommy. Then, she turned on it and tried to kill it. She pecked its head and back. She is banned as a broody. I am now mother to one very cute olive egger my daughter named Periwinkle. (she is black, but oh well, Bri liked that name.) :) Anyway, keep you chin up. My other broody hatched all hers just fine on Day 20 and every chick hatched. My mother n law hatched 13 under one and 9 under another, and I have several more to go! I think broodiness is contagious. I have EIGHT hens broody right now. LOL. Good Luck!
I presently have 3 broodys sitting and 2 others assisting lol. I hope my hatch goes well and mama's accept the babies. So far my broody hens appear to be doing all the right things. Did you guys leave your broody in the nest or move her?

I left mine in the nest. I know you are supposed to move them but last time I tried that at night my broody left the eggs in the A.M. after scattering them everywhere. I have a lot of nests available so it is working so far. I do know that a lot of people on here separate them successfully at night into dog crates and such. I just must have picked the wrong hen to try that with! The last one that successfully hatched I moved at night with her babies and it was fine. I have some due on Tuesday (we are actually hatching them for my niece). Hopefully they go better than this last girl. Man, as I said, she is banned from maternity duty! here is a picture of little Periwinkle and her stuffed buddy. She had to have a friend since her mommy can't be in the house all the time(goodness my daughter things I am crazy for chirping at the chick!)
2 chicks! We have 2 healthy beautiful chicks! 1 Black Andalusian and 1 Splash Andalusian. Here are some pictures with mama.


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