Fellow employee remark :/

Yup, that is totally what he is getting at. I have had two failed attempts at getting pregnant and he knows it
Why do they always think "woman" = "baby". Can't we just like cute ducks and chickens for the fun of it??
Every day I deal with people who have pets who fill a void in their lives. That's what pets do. They give us joy, a sense of accomplishment, and a reason to come home. Whether they are finned, furred, scaly, or feathered, pets make us better human beings.

Yes, pets do fill a void in my life. I enjoy being around them and they enjoy being around me. Who cares what other folks think?
Yup, that is totally what he is getting at. I have had two failed attempts at getting pregnant and he knows it
Why do they always think "woman" = "baby". Can't we just like cute ducks and chickens for the fun of it??

apparently even a 17 year old girl who takes care of animals must want a baby
Love it when someone else comes out with exactly what your gonna type . Pets love unconditionally & don't care how much you make , what you look like, they just love you.
LOL my boyfriend said to me the other day "What is your obsession with chickens? You on that forum all the time!"

My co-workers love to hear stories though. And can't wait til I bring in some blue Americauna eggs for them:ya
and I am a mid 30 something going grey and love babies.... and apparently I am nesting......

Did I mention my boys are 5 and 10 years apart? 16, 11, and 1? But now I am the :cool uncle cuz I will hang with all the lil kids and help my younger nieces and nephews with diaper related questions.. who knew poo was cool?
My co-workers are fans of my chickens. I came back from vacation a few weeks ago, and the first thing I was asked was "how are the chicks doing?" They also have a FB following. I'm sure I have friends who think I'm completely bonkers, but I don't care what they think. I march to the beat of my own drum.
Remarks from co-workers like that and worse was one of the reasons I started my own business 20 some years ago. People who have no chickens cannot be that happy
I have kids they are 19 and 15 and my chickens do not fill any void only my property.
Makes me glad I work at a farm animal sanctuary! I can talk about my chickens all I want and I only get happy talking back about chickens.

But it really irritates me when people try to accuse people who have animals of having things lacking in our lives, really. I have a lot of animals, but it's because, gasp, I love them! It's not because I want a baby (in fact, I'm terrified of babies), it's not because I'm a hoarder, it's not because I'm...whatever. I have them because I love them, and I love being around them and caring for them! They fill a void in my life in the sense that they make me happy. What's wrong with that?

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