Fellow employee remark :/

that just makes you a compassionate human.. and if they don't get that then they need to make like an egg........
EXACTLY what I was thinking also. Yes, I'm filling the void of wanting pets by getting pets... DUH.

I do have to admit that I talk about this forum a lot. My friends and family are very confused. A topic will come up, it could be ANYTHING. And I'll say, "Oh, we were just talking about that on the chicken forum...", but it could be something like family issues, or current events, or anything non-chicken related. They always look at me and say, "And this is a CHICKEN forum????" To which I always end up saying, "Oh, well yeah, I mean, sometimes we talk about chickens too....."
What happens if you have babies and pets? Do you need more babies?

I hope the coworker has a dog or something. Inform him that you'll be bringing the bottles and diapers over so he can get to work on what he really wants.
As far as the 'filling a void' thing - we animal people aren't having issues with that. The 'void' is filled. The 'non-animal' people, now they have a void that needs filling, usually right between their ears - sometimes in their hearts, too.

Nope, WE are fulfilled - they are the ones lacking. I almost feel sorry for them.
I do the same thing to my poor husband. "Extreme couponing? Oh, there's a thread about that on my chicken board." He just sort of looks at me with this, "okaaaaay..." face.
Some people just know exactly what to say!

Personally, people are always onto me just because I have chickens and talk on BYC.
It gets very, very frustrating sometimes. I like my chickens, yes, but I have other interests and aspirations in life besides raising them: everyone at school here thinks chickens is all I'm about and I want to become a farmer when I graduate.
Whatever I say just won't get through to their minds!

And Laura, I know exactly how you feel. People jump to conclusions automatically and refuse to listen when I say we mostly talk about other things on here!
It's not us who are narrow-minded, people!

Nowadays I call it 'BYC' instead of 'the chicken forum', because nobody knows what BYC stands for and just assume it's some online chatroom.
Yup yup!

The reason pets fill a void is this.... If I had a choice between one of my geese or ducks and most of the people I meet, guess who wins? And why.

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