Fellow employee remark :/

You should have told him... "Wow,you think so? You should be a psychiatrist! Man....I hadn't thought of that!"

Or tell him.." No,I have a lot of chickens so I can have more than one channel of chick tv!"
I have to hear the same comments from my mother in law on a routine basis. "She got another animal? Is she depressed or something?"

No, I'm not depressed. I don't want a baby, they scare me and they cost too much. (and they're messy and don't handle confinement well....)
I'm not anti social, full of anxiety, or in any way shape or form a hoarder. Nor am I in any form of denial.

MIL wants a grand baby bad. I'm not helping her, she has a daughter and another married son, talk to them and leave me out of it!

First there was a rumor that I was knocked up and that's why we got married at 18. 10 years later, the rumor is I can't have children at all because we don't have one yet. All of it centered around my need of animals filling some void I apparently have.

"No normal person would have that many animals?" Really? Like you people are so normal. I know your secrets too from that night we got drunk together, dear auntie, cousin, who ever.

My family accepts it because I'm not the first with "the gift of nature". But husband's family... they were all kinds of confused initially.

For awhile it seemed babies were great, you never heard about the awful side of it, everyone kept saying how great it was leading you to believe it would be fun. Then Facebook was created. "I totally just got barfed on for the 3rd time today" .... " I haven't slept in 4 days and I feel awful"... "I didn't know babies could cry this much"...

Yeah, nothing like an endless stream of facebook statuses from moms to make me go cuddle a duckling and play fetch with the dogs.
Point to your stomach and say yes this one. There is one really annoying git at work, spreads stupid rumours keeps upsetting the agency staff with rumours so I have said any chicken I have is going to be named after him they will be easy to kill then.

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