Female duck with male markings?


In the Brooder
May 4, 2021
Wondering if anyone else has experienced a female duck with male markings. We know for sure she is female- we have collected eggs from her, but she has a green tint to her head (not as strong as males but it’s definitely noticeable) and a partial white collar. We believe she is either Rouen or a Rouen-Mallard mix possibly (got the eggs a year ago from a farmer with a variety of free range ducks). She is just over 1 year old. When she was younger every duck person I knew told me she was a boy bc of the greenish head and white collar, but obviously she isn’t. Is this common? I cannot even find a picture online of a female Rouen with a collar.
I wouldn't say it's common necessarily, but I have heard other members say their ducks had male coloring/feathers.
@KaleIAm had a female duck who grew a drake feather.
I also have a female with curled tail but she quacks and has orange and black bill, and a little green on top too. But she has more brown feathering like female. No eggs yet, Too young

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