Female Emu no longer lays eggs but male is broody! Help


9 Years
Jun 19, 2014
Central Coast, California
My friend has a male and female emu. The female is no longer laying eggs and the male has found some object he is sitting on and not coming off. He thought he was sick and then figured it out when he saw what he was sitting on. The object was removed but he is still wanting to stay sitting there. I do not know anything about Emus and this has never happened to him and he is worried about him. Is there anything that can be done to stop his broodiness?
...Male ostriches set on nest not the mama..... so you might want to look that up but dada does the setting and they are highly aggressive and protective at the job too......even to their mates....has he built a nest? Any deep dark Emerald green large

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Male Emus incubate eggs - just as with ostriches as noted above. Not sure how one would go about breaking a broody emu, though.
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Hey, Kperki.

The male emu -- the one that incubates the eggs -- has an evolutionary 'trigger mechanism.' He wants to hatch a clutch. And it's apparent that in 'pet emu environments,' the birds get confused.

So, this male emu isn't 'sick.' He's just doin' his evolutionary thang. Let him sit. It's the time of his life. (We have observed a wild rothschildi through an entire seven weeks of sitting. They do it hard: wind and rain and no food.)

Leave him sit 'til he figures it out.


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