Female goose bigger than gander?


Goose and Chicken Enthusiast
Jul 4, 2017
Is it possible for a goose to be bigger than a gander? I have a trio of buff dewlap Toulouse geese and 2 of them are female gooses and one is a gander. They are about 4 months old. Suddenly one of my female gooses got much larger than our gander so we are now reconsidering if she is really a female. Any thoughts?
If goslings are all from same parents, then chances are good that male would be bigger. If goslings from different parents, then it is entirely possible that large one is female. Of all my dewlaps, my largest one is a female. I can't really say though, without seeing pictures.
Thank you!!!!! Here are some pics. In the gosling pic, she is the middle gosling. The gander is the gosling on the left. In the second, she is the goose on the far left and our other gander is the gray one. There's also an additional photo of her! @Iain Utah

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