Female hen mounting other females


May 17, 2021
So currently I have about 6 laying Hens with 7 juveniles (currently separated). One of my 6 egg layers (an Australorp, "Cordelia") is the one that get picked on the most. I understand about the peck order and all that.

My Barred Plymouth Rock will chase her maybe give her a peck, She'll run off and that's it.

But my New Hampshire Red ("Red") is very aggressive with her. Every morning for the past 3 months, Red will chase down Cordelia and mount her. Cordelia will crouch down which I know is mating behavior. But Red gets on her back and clearly hurts Cordelia.

This is everyday mind you. Poor Cordelia back of her head is being picked clean of feathers. Now it seems the fethers on her back are thinning out.

We tried separating Cordelia until her feathers start to go back. But as soon as we let her back out it happens again. We have tried separating Red (chicken Jail) for a week and that doesn't help.

They have plenty of food and water, plenty of room. There is no Crowing involved and no one egg production seems to be effected.

Please help me help poor Cordelia

Thanks in advance
Can you post a picture of the aggressor?

Instead of separating the victim, I would just rehome the New Hampshire Red. Bullying is nothing I allow in my flocks.

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