Female muscovy being a bully!

There was some squabbling which is obviously to be expected but I think everyone seems OK now! Going to look into the protein increase over the next week or two. My hours at work have dropped dramatically so funds are real tight but we'll figure something out
They're on regular feed and can free range for bugs all day every day. I occasionally give them treats such as peas, lettuce etc etc but their feather quality as of the last few weeks has declined. Now several peopla have said it could be that they're moulting and perhaps im just over cautious, but i figure maybe giving them some worms wouldnt hurt? Plus if i got some regular earth worms in the garden it'd help the over all soil quality.
Also to futher elaborate MIss Lydia, our girls are normally completely waterproof with no sign of their feathers 'clumping' but recently even our oldest kept girls (shes still only 2 or 3 years old) is starting to show some signs of wet feather
Kitten food dry can help just some sprinkled over their reg feed. Or hand feed. And of course meal worms!

I did try the cat food but they really didn't seem fond of it. Neither did they seem at all interested in the eggs. I haven't tried them on mealworms yet so I'll have to figure out a cheaper way of getting those frequently.

Edit: might just buy soem regular worms from bunnings (our DIY store) and work them into the garden, would help the soil and feed the ducks. Might be the easiest solution.
Do they have access to bathing water? Usually I see mines feather quality going down about a month before molt tattered mainly from breeding. Worms are a good idea mine love them summer they expect me to go look under rocks and bring out the shovel and hunt worms for them.

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