Fenbendazole 25g, 10% (100mg) horse dewormer paste dosing.


She's 7 pounds 12 ounces, which is 7.75 pounds or 3.51 kg.

3.51 x 50 / 100 = 1.75 ml (round up to 1.8 ml)
For all worms, give five consecutive days.
Doesn’t the tube have dosages marked on the plunger? I have a tube of panacur and remember that you can use the plunger to measure out the correct dose. Maybe it’s not fine enough though? I always treat all my birds at once and the tube is designed for horses.
Doesn’t the tube have dosages marked on the plunger? I have a tube of panacur and remember that you can use the plunger to measure out the correct dose. Maybe it’s not fine enough though? I always treat all my birds at once and the tube is designed for horses.
The horse does is only 5 mg/kg and the chicken dose is 50 mg/kg. The tube is marked for the horse dose.
Ah. So 10 times as much for chickens. Just looked at the tube - the smallest mark is for 250lbs horse, so 25lbs chickens, that’s about 5 standard size hens. Yeah, I just eyeball it for mine and give a little extra to be sure, so I always just use the plunger measure. - and forget how exactly I did it because I worm once a year at most.

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