Fence heigth??


12 Years
May 18, 2009
I am thinking about letting my flock free range on a piece of property 80' X 100'. How high of a fence would I need to stop them from flying over it and into the neighbours yard? They (my neighbours) don't mind me having chickens but they don't want them in their yard destroying it so I want to try and keep the peace. Thanks for any help!
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cover it...then you don't have to worry about chickens flying out or birds swooping in and getting the chickens...the netting isn't that bad
I have dominiques, r.i.r, b.o. and some e.e. I am in the process of adding some leghorns and some white rocks then plan on doing some sex-links for egg production.
I had plan to cover a large run but then thought bout free ranging in the day and all will return to coop at night. To try and cover 80' X100' peace of property with trees on it is not an option for me, but thanks for the idea.
Some chickens "can" fly over 6' fence, but most won't bother. But...what if one of yours decides it is worth the bother to explore next door? Will this create a problem with the neighbors? A lot depends on if you want to fence for the norm, or for the unusual:/ Good luck!
Like new chicks said, 6 ft. I did 6 ft and have not had escapees. Mine is welded wire set in cement and electrified outside. I think after first year, they are less likely to try to fly out too. It may be desirable to do a wooden privacy fence and that can easily have a hot wire on top to discourage climbers and discourage other animals from 'window shopping'. Bantams cannot be kept in without overhead netting.
my yard is fenced with six foot fence and I only let them out when I am there, but have never seen them try to go over it. It is a solid wood fence. They do, however fly up onto other six foot high stuff that they want to see what is up there or enjoy the view with no problem. THAT is why I don't leave them out when I am not there. I have heard that chicken wire with NO TOP BAR or anthing that looks like they could perch on it is more effective at stopping poultry than any fencing with a defined top bar that looks like an inviting perch for them. Good luck with your birds. Maybe some time I could visit and bring you a bunch of cool hatching eggs stuffed in my shoes or something. I doubt homeland security would think of that. D'oh! Someone already spoiled that idea.... Oh well...
Clip the flight feathers on one of their wings, than they can not fly straight enough to get over even a 5 foot fence.
My fence is 6 ft and I have, on occasion, had an escapee. They usually can't figure out how to get back in. But my EE has flown up 7 ft to the roof of the coop. (but she's only done it once)

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