Fencing Advice Wanted

Liz Birdlover

Crossing the Road
6 Years
Jan 6, 2018
Delaware, USA
I need to fence my entire property.
1.8 acre. Doesn't sound like much,
until you get an estimate for post & rail with wire. I was shocked at the cost! SHOCKED I tell ya!!!
Wood used to be much less than vinyl. Not anymore!

I did buy a double wrought iron gate for an awesome price, but I'm not sure if 10-12 feet is wide enough...hindsight seems to be a way of life lately. I'm going to put snow sticks out there for now to see how that distance works to drive through. No problem for my pickup truck but I realize a gate like that would put an end to the large truck deliveries.

I need your your advice please.
What I'm trying to accomplish:

Keep trespassers off of my property
(Strangers walking, or driving often leaving trenches in my yard...ignorant jerks!)
Keep the dog in the yard
Keep the foxes out
(Yes I know there will likely be holes dug in the night that I get to fill the next day, unless I bury some wire extending out..ugh, more labor, more cost)
In spring & summer, while I'm there doing yard work or outside all day, let the chickens free range

It must be functional, reasonably affordable, & attractive...I may sell this place in 3-5 yrs, so I don't want to be doing something twice cuz it's fugly.

I've had suggestions of invisible fence for the dog, but that does nothing about people or foxes.
Suggestions of electric fence...I know nothing about those, cost, installation, efficiency or if they're ugly
Suggestions of DIY post & cable with wire mesh backing...using cut up telephone poles, but they're loaded with chemicals & I have well water here, plus I'd still need to hire someone to help, I can't physically run a hole digger myself with back & neck issues.

I was also thinking of buying a pheasant pen, basically a tough netting huge enclosure for my chickens, like 30'x50' or so, give them more ranging where I planted grazing greens, safe from hawks, by their coop.

Here are pics of what I was thinking...yeah, when I hit the PowerBall right?

I welcome your advice, suggestions & general sharing of what has, or hasn't, worked for you!
Thanks so much!


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I love the idea of the electrical fence... would be fun for those ignorant jerks :D Well at least fun for you!!
My friend has an amazing doggie camp (daycare) and she had t-posts and fencing delivered but she knows nothing of putting these up, so she hired some amazing Amish that know everything about fencing. They got the huge area all up in one day.
Another idea would be to find cheap or free pallets. I have seen pictures of people slipping the pallets over a post or t-post to make a huge fence. It may take a little longer to gather all the pallets but it would be cheaper. And you could add chicken wire or hardware cloth to the bottom parts.
10’ is tight. 12’ is standard width of a highway travel lane. For a straight shot, not on corner a 12’ will work all day long. If there’s a curve or corner where trailer tracks off, 12’ gets very tight very quickly. 14-16’ works best there.
I love the idea of the electrical fence... would be fun for those ignorant jerks :D Well at least fun for you!!
My friend has an amazing doggie camp (daycare) and she had t-posts and fencing delivered but she knows nothing of putting these up, so she hired some amazing Amish that know everything about fencing. They got the huge area all up in one day.
What happens if a bird lands on elec fence, don't want to hurt wild birds.
10’ is tight. 12’ is standard width of a highway travel lane. For a straight shot, not on corner a 12’ will work all day long. If there’s a curve or corner where trailer tracks off, 12’ gets very tight very quickly. 14-16’ works best there.
That's what I have, a darn corner, sharp turn. If I position the gate further in from the road then I can't protect the well head & some moron already nearly drove over that. It truly is unbelievable...I wish I knew where they lived, I'd repay them & trench their front yards, see how they like it.

I think I may have to place the gate further back near the house. Just do something different across the front & maybe a small ornamental stone or brick wall, like a bit of a semi circle sweeping at the driveway entrance, also protecting the well head in a garden area.

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