
Mice ate thru my friend's coop floor. So anything that will help to prevent that is worth it. We did 4x4 posts and 6 foot high hardware cloth. Of course, it doesn't come in 6 ft so had to piece together and had a 2x4 and stapled hardware cloth to that. Pretty sturdy run.
Is the big fencing even worth putting up then? I'm not sure what to do now

There are a lot of different predators that can attack chickens. Different kinds of barriers will help prevent different predators. What works for one may not help a bit for something else. That chain link will stop several ground based predators cold and will offer discouragement to others. But some things can climb over it or go through it like it wasn’t there. Chain link is a great material for your basic barrier.

Some critters like snakes, rats, mice, and smaller weasels can squeeze thorough some pretty small holes plus they all climb really well. If a weasel gets inside they can cause tremendous damage because they kill just for fun, but very few of us actually have problems with weasels even though our coops and especially runs won’t stop them. That’s one of the problems with predator protection, you don’t know how good yours is until it’s tested and you might go decades before it is tested.

Electricity will make that chain link much better if you hook it up right. For electricity to work you need a hot and a ground with the critter completing the circuit between the two. If you use electricity I suggest you attach the ground side to that chain link fence and, using insulators, a few hot wires circling it. I’ll let you do the research on how to hook them up and where to put them, but I’d want one hot wire fairly high to stop climbing predators. I’d consider putting about 18” of ½” hardware cloth around the inside of your run at ground level, and put a hot wire on the outside at maybe 16”. That might help you on those small things that can climb.

It can be really hard to totally stop all predators but that chain link gives you a really good base to start with.
Thank you do much everyone :) I think I'm going to go with keeping them in the enclosed run completely until I'm able to order in electric fencing for the outer chain link fencing; the hardware cloth is definitely going more than 2-3ft up the fence.

Just an afterthought... what do you guys think or barbwire along the outside of the chain link? If I were to double it up so there aren't any 'spaces' between the barbs?
i think the big fence will help to keep out larger predators since you have thought of everything else, smaller predators won't be a problem and you should think of now proofing it for dogs, coyotes, exc...
i think putting barbed wire around it would be an extra precaution that might be unnecessary since everything is covered. However, it does depend on what animal is trying to get through since some are smarter than others. but it would definitely help for those smart predators so they don't get any ideas
i think the big fence will help to keep out larger predators since you have thought of everything else, smaller predators won't be a problem and you should think of now proofing it for dogs, coyotes, exc...

Oh I've got it covered with the larger chain link fencing like the pic I posted earlier. We don't have wolves or coyotes in this area and we have a dog by-law where all outside dogs have to be tied up or they get picked up and taken away (no idea where they go but meh..not my problem lol). I'm very worried about weasels because I've seen two in my shed this summer. They're cute but I was tempted to snare the place because if I saw two... that was bound to be mother and baby so I'm going to try and take care of that this winter with bait and traps.
that was bound to be mother and baby so I'm going to try and take care of that this winter with bait and traps.

Definitely time to trap. Dogs cannot read regulations or no trespassing signs. I live out in the middle of not much and have all kinds of predators but my biggest problem is dogs abandoned out here. That's why I have my electric netting.

Putting barbed wire there will be totally worthless. All it will do is give you something that will snag your skin or your clothes.
Anti-dig aprons more effective and much easier to install than burying run wall 1-2 feet down.
Good examples of installation, tho I'd not recommend 1/2" HC...go with 14ga 1x2 or 1x1, will hold up much longer and is easier to lay flat.

My coop is an 'envelope' of 1/2" hardware cloth....because I had red squirrels chew thru the plywood walls of shed where coop is located. Have some regrets about doing the, but not many.

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