Please be nice to kitty
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......"Just hatched", you hatched too soon, me thinks. Half-baked. A comment like that, followed by a smiley........yeesh...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......"Just hatched", you hatched too soon, me thinks. Half-baked. A comment like that, followed by a smiley........yeesh...


Maybe you would like to adopt it? Or at least send some money to cover its trapping, veterinary care, food, etc.?
First you make a decision. Are you raising chickens or kittens.??? You can do both, but one will have to take preference...
Around here, some of the feral cats are 3rd and 4th generation feral....They can still make good pets IF you are willing to devote the time and money...
I don't understand why you all are telling featherland26 to kill the thing. Really guys? It's a cat.
If I could take it in, I would.
But since that's probably not what featherfinder26 wants to do I would either find some one who might want to adopt it (knowing it's feral) or put cat food out.
But if you don't want to put food out you should collect the eggs before she/he gets to them or lock up the coop so he/she can't even get the eggs. For now just find a way to keep the cat out of the nest boxes.
All you guys make a big fuss about a cat who, like Featherland said doesn't mess with the chickens. If it wanted to yes it could hurt the birds but it's not. Enough with the s.s.s.

Featherland26 I hope you figure out what to do.
It sounds like the OP kinda likes the cat. Whatever is eating the eggs, be it cat, chickens or other, seems that in this situation, Sleepy03 has the best idea. Rollout nestboxes.
If it is feral it is an invasive species and a threat to the native wildlife. Now whether the OP shoots it or AC euthanizes it because it is not adoptable and they are not willing to keep it over adoptable kittys does it really matter who kills it?
I tamed a feral cat.He was the sweetest. Took me 6 months to win him over.It is doable.Another option is to catch it and take it to the vet to euthanise in a kind manner.Gassing and heart stick used in some places is not a good way to go.

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