FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Those chicks are growing so fast!
Ben would be safer in a different collar. A choke collar could catch on something and when he tries to get loose he could strangle himself. A rolled leather collar would work well with all that fur. :) He is a nice looking GP.

Bee, you new GP is a handsome feller!! I just love them. We had a golden retriever/GP mix someone gave us. He was wonderful! He had been taught hand signals and would respond instantly! He came from Alaska, so wasn't used to highways, which we live on one. We had trained him to not go near the road, but he must have caught scent of something that was to good to pass up and he got hit. We still think about and miss that dog after about 3-4 yrs. We want to get another, but are afraid to take the chance. We have a mini-schnauzer now, but we still keep our eyes and hearts open for another GP.
I poured some of the back slop off of the ff to put in our dog food, didn't go well. She stopped eating, walked away for awhile, went back to sniff and left it. The dog food soaked up the liquid, so I added a little more dry food, but no luck. Had to dump it to the cats this morn. She is a picky eater anyway. I may try again this weekend when we are home more.

Sorry! quoted wrong post!! This was meant for Bee's pics of her new dog!!
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Well, BK, second day on the ff for the dogs and they almost knocked me over to get to the bowls before they were even filled!!!
I have NEVER seen either one of these dogs act like this for their food before. They each ate their bowlful then came back and nudged me wanting more. I gave them each about another 3/4 cup and they still wanted more but I didn't give it to them. I really can't explain it but they absolutely LOVE the stuff. They normally eat about 1/2 a bowlful of dry and then go back later in the day and finish it off but, this stuff, they gobble it all down and want more!!!! WOW!!!!

How did you do the dog feed? Do you soak it like chicken feed or pour the back slop from chicken feed over? I tried pour bs from chicken feed over my dogs food, it didn't go over at all!
pdirt, you know I HAD to google this.   And it is truly the most appalling thing I have ever heard.   Thank goodness, The same benefits can be had with Kefir or fermented feeds.   They said the ideal starter is two 1" cubes cut in slivers.  Pop a sliver in your mouth and swallow a big gulp of water.  Fill a plastic container 1/2 full of cubes.  Leaving plenty of room for air.   Every day or two, take it outside and pop the top and get new air. Back to the fridge up to a month or more.   Natural probiotic.    No thanks.     :lau

LOL! Ha! Glad you let your curiosity show you a thing or two!

Now I have not (yet!) made high meat, but I have made soybean natto. To make natto, you cook soybeans for about 6 hours, let cool then mix in the natto culture starter. Then ferment at 104F for 6-12 hours, longer produces strong natto flavor and good "stringy-ness", less time is milder. The same bacteria that produce stinky feet are the ones present in natto. And yes, natto does smell like stinky feet. I don't actually know what stinky feet taste like, but I do smell it and have no idea exactly what I am tasting. It's one of those "umami" things, that extra special flavor so often found in Asian cuisines. I enjoy natto most when incorporated into something fried...such as fried egg or a stir-fry. It tastes similar to a sharp cheese when prepared like this. And our chickens go NUTS-A-MENUDO over natto, even super-extra-ripe natto. Natto is extremely well-endowed with vitamin K, making it a superhorse nutritious food.
LOL! Ha! Glad you let your curiosity show you a thing or two!

Now I have not (yet!) made high meat, but I have made soybean natto. To make natto, you cook soybeans for about 6 hours, let cool then mix in the natto culture starter. Then ferment at 104F for 6-12 hours, longer produces strong natto flavor and good "stringy-ness", less time is milder. The same bacteria that produce stinky feet are the ones present in natto. And yes, natto does smell like stinky feet. I don't actually know what stinky feet taste like, but I do smell it and have no idea exactly what I am tasting. It's one of those "umami" things, that extra special flavor so often found in Asian cuisines. I enjoy natto most when incorporated into something fried...such as fried egg or a stir-fry. It tastes similar to a sharp cheese when prepared like this. And our chickens go NUTS-A-MENUDO over natto, even super-extra-ripe natto. Natto is extremely well-endowed with vitamin K, making it a superhorse nutritious food.

Sweetie, you are surely more adventurous than me. My incursions were beef tongue and sweetbreads. Both are delicious if prepared properly. I bought a can of snails one time. Threw them in the yard. The dog wouldn't eat them either.
I have 17 hens so if I use a 5gal. bucket how much laying mash should I use thank you

I saw that someone used a 5 gallon bucket with 12# mash and 2 gallons of water. Wait a few min after stirring and add up to another 1/2 gallon water if needed. You can use a glug of Mothered Apple Cider Vinegar to speed up the process but it's not necessary. It just takes a day or so longer. Stir daily and after 4-5 days if should be ready.
I saw that someone used a 5 gallon bucket with 12# mash and 2 gallons of water. Wait a few min after stirring and add up to another 1/2 gallon water if needed. You can use a glug of Mothered Apple Cider Vinegar to speed up the process but it's not necessary. It just takes a day or so longer. Stir daily and after 4-5 days if should be ready.

thank you very very much
Is fermented feed something to be fed all the time on a daily basis or just for a couple of weeks? I started mine yesterday so it should be ready by Friday I guess. If I don't see fermentation going on, then I'll wait until Monday to feed them.

I feed it all the time. Imo,it defeats the purpose to only offer it some of the time, and of course, they don't get the full benefit.

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