FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

I feed it all the time. Imo,it defeats the purpose to only offer it some of the time, and of course, they don't get the full benefit.

And think, Tikkijane, of the ruckus of showing up with dry feed instead of what they adore. Ticked off plenty.
Folks say start using after 24 hours but I let mine go for 5 days.

No. Initial ferment- fermenting for the very first time or a completely new batch needs 3 to 4 days, depending on temperature.

Once you have your solid ferment established and are backslopping or otherwise using the SCOBY infused liquid from that initial ferment, the next batches can be ready overnight; no need to wait before feeding on secondary batches.
And think, Tikkijane,  of the ruckus of showing up with dry feed instead of what they adore.   Ticked off plenty.   :lau

Indeed. I have heard from one that who says she wouldn't like her food fermented all the time so that's why she doesn't all the time. I'm thinking I'm not inclined to eat mice, snakes, moles, voles, either, though. To each his own; once the gut cultures get good and has the right ph, I personally can't see undoing any of it. But, that's just me.

I was late for dinner and had a slew of them waiting on the porch and knocking on the door... pretty sure mine would eat just about anything, but my serious crack-er, scratch addict was forgoing it even to eat the FF instead. {We used to try to bribe him so we could catch him to spray his booty.} GOOD stuff, this FF.
I see I will have get 2 containers going at one time. 1 for in use and 1 for fermenting. This way I can feed them daily. I ran out and had to re-start yesterday. They don't care for the 24 hour FF as much as they liked the FF that had been setting for days.
Started a bucket of FF today. The girls are still on chick starter, so I used that, added some bokashi bran (which was suggested by someone in this thread), and will start using by Saturday. I'm still working on my run. I wanted it to be big enough and strong enough, so I'm putting a lot of effort into it. Finally got one 40' side fenced in with 2x4" welded wire.

So just now catching up on the thread.
Just LOVE your avatar!!
Dubia roaches??  What are they?  I tried superworms and was not too successful.  I could do roaches as long as they can't get loose in the house!  : )

yeah, my super worms aren't working out either!
and the dubia roaches don't lay the egg cases (oothicae) like most species we are all familiar with. They have live young, it's SO cool!
feed them a high protein feed, keep a cheap heating pad pressed against the side of their tub for warmth, egg flats put back to back left vertically in the tub, and you're pretty much all set! I like to use the water crystals (like you put in potted plants to extend the time between waterings) as a water source, the surface area also helps to increase the humidity being the temperature it is with the heating pad. They can't climb slick surfaces (but can climb "frosted" textured plastic or aquarium sealant) nor do they fly!

Hey,  they might be like those we see on TV all the time,  Madagascar Hissing Roaches?  Wouldn't that be a hoot?  Someone asks, " What's that noise?"   "Oh, that's just my roaches."   haha!

These guys don't hiss like that, but you can hear their exoskeleton rubbing against each other when they are busy in the dark tub doing their roachy business.

ETA: the adults are sexual dimorphic, so you can remove the extra males to feed off to the cooks to prolong the life of your females. (I almost called them hens...smh...chicken brain)
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