FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?


Regarding your "bucket setup." I use something similar to that for my bokashi compost. The difference, I guess, being that the holes in the inner bucket are for the compost "tea" to drain out rather than allow the water+acv solution into the bucket.

My question is a simple one -- how large should the holes be to form a "sieve?" My holes are pretty large in my compost buckets, probably much larger than the ones you use.

Clankeyes, good to have you. You only have to get FF going the first time and then when it's almost at the bottom just add water, stir and start adding more grains. My babies are 2 wks old and are so much fun. And don't they LOVE the fermented feed......

The first time I gave them the FF I thought they were going to die of delight. I have never seen anything so funny ! After they ate it all up they all slipped into a " food coma" and slept for a bit.
My next goal is to mix my own feed from scratch . All organic Non-GMO pretty close to what i have now with Scratch & Peck. BUT Cheaper ! This is what I found and I want to FF this mix also. Trying to make this as cost effective as possible and keep them as healthy as I can also.


Regarding your "bucket setup." I use something similar to that for my bokashi compost. The difference, I guess, being that the holes in the inner bucket are for the compost "tea" to drain out rather than allow the water+acv solution into the bucket.

My question is a simple one -- how large should the holes be to form a "sieve?" My holes are pretty large in my compost buckets, probably much larger than the ones you use.


Hi Balloonjuice, I think Beekissed has evolved into a one bucket system. For a 5 gallon bucket pour in 2 gallon water and start adding 12# feed. You can use a glug of Mothered ACV or even some of your EM-1 liquid. No molasses necessary. Stir and sit a few min Add up to 1/2 gallon more water if necessary. To make a thick oatmeal. Then wait 2 or 3 day stirring daily. Ready to feed. When it gets to about 3 inches from bottom add water again and stir. Then add feed. Done overnight.
The first time I gave them the FF I thought they were going to die of delight. I have never seen anything so funny ! After they ate it all up they all slipped into a " food coma" and slept for a bit.
My next goal is to mix my own feed from scratch . All organic Non-GMO pretty close to what i have now with Scratch & Peck. BUT Cheaper ! This is what I found and I want to FF this mix also. Trying to make this as cost effective as possible and keep them as healthy as I can also.


Yes, I looked into that also. Not ever going to happen if you're on a budget.
Not for me anyway. Google Gmo feed and you'll see that most are not gmo. Wheat is good, oats are terrific, barley. You'll need to add some meat along with it. Maybe a little ground beef (pattie) or canned tuna or mackerel. Cheap protein. Look info comfrey and mulberry bushes. Both could supply a hugh amount of protein along with your FF. I invested in Azomite a rock dust that has tons of minerals and will last me years for about $30. Research, research Keep away from beets, corn, soybeans. canola.

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