FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Feed on a daily basis...from now on!

Yeah, they still need grit. They will always need grit of some kind to help diges things, no matter how soft the food.

I figured it was to be done daily. I keep sand in my run and they do free range at least a little most days. Will they get enough grit from that or do I need to put it out?
I don't remember my grand mother or my folks ever keeping grit out or for that matter keeping oyster shell out. The chickens of my childhood never got anything but
grain that I can remember, but they were totally free ranging.
Feed Daily .. as in once a day or twice a day ?? and add other options for them .. including gritt of course. My girls are just going on 4 wks and 5 wks.
I happen to feed mine twice a day, some only do once. I give a regular size ration (about 1/2 c. ff per bird) in the morning then they get a small snack of about 1/4 that amount in the afternoon when I get home from work when they get let out to free range. I don't offer grit, but I live in a sand pit. Plenty of free grit in my soil!
Is fermented feed something to be fed all the time on a daily basis or just for a couple of weeks? I started mine yesterday so it should be ready by Friday I guess. If I don't see fermentation going on, then I'll wait until Monday to feed them.

You can go ahead and start Friday. Even if it not completely finished, I bet it's good enough. They are going to love it. I started mine at day 3 and they scream when they see me coming. Older birds might be a little more picky. Take out all dry food and they will give it a taste.
I'd be real interested on the results if you do this full time...I'm betting you will see a change in their skin and energy levels. Could you keep us informed? This should be really interesting! I'm thinking about fermenting some food for the new dog I have....they have been feeding him the cheapest dog food out there and his poop looks like baby poop. Yellow and loose diarrhea...not good. He also has very little energy. I'm going to worm him and feed him some of regular food soaked in FF water and see if I can't jump start something good in his bowels.

Well, BK, second day on the ff for the dogs and they almost knocked me over to get to the bowls before they were even filled!!!
I have NEVER seen either one of these dogs act like this for their food before. They each ate their bowlful then came back and nudged me wanting more. I gave them each about another 3/4 cup and they still wanted more but I didn't give it to them. I really can't explain it but they absolutely LOVE the stuff. They normally eat about 1/2 a bowlful of dry and then go back later in the day and finish it off but, this stuff, they gobble it all down and want more!!!! WOW!!!!
Yeah Clankeyes,  instead of growing mealworms that everybody recommends,  go ahead and grow some roaches.   That'll make you feel betta!!!!      :lau

sorry, sorry, could not resist.  snicker

Mealworms are a far inferior food source. Mealworms are just more readily available, and don't have as much of the "ick factor" associated with roaches. Dubia are not a pest species, leagues away from the nasty buggers people have ifest their homes
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Well, BK, second day on the ff for the dogs and they almost knocked me over to get to the bowls before they were even filled!!!  :idunno   I have NEVER seen either one of these dogs act like this for their food before.  They each ate their bowlful then came back and nudged me wanting more.  I gave them each about another 3/4 cup and they still wanted more but I didn't give it to them.  I really can't explain it but they absolutely LOVE the stuff.  They normally eat about 1/2 a bowlful of dry and then go back later in the day and finish it off but, this stuff, they gobble it all down and want more!!!!  WOW!!!!  :thumbsup
I was just going to ask how your dogfood went, I think when you posted this...,weird.
Haven't fed it to my dogs yet, the husband is NOT on board!
I won't do the meat, Ive had my ff going now for 2.5 months.  I give fresh meat in small amounts 2x week so not at all necessary.

Google for "high meat" and you will find a whole strange world of people who eat rotten raw meat. They literally rot it mostly anaerobically for about a month before eating it. Apparently it is truly the Limburger of fermented meat products. I'd be curious if chickens would eat this sort of thing. My guess is they would wolf it down.

I sense another fermented food experiment coming on (insert mad scientist cackle as I rub my hands together)...
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Google for "high meat" and you will find a whole strange world of people who eat rotten raw meat. They literally rot it mostly anaerobically for about a month before eating it. Apparently it is truly the Limburger of fermented meat products. I'd be curious if chickens would eat this sort of thing. My guess is they would wolf it down.

I sense another fermented food experiment coming on (insert mad scientist cackle as I rub my hands together)...
Google for "high meat" and you will find a whole strange world of people who eat rotten raw meat. They literally rot it mostly anaerobically for about a month before eating it. Apparently it is truly the Limburger of fermented meat products. I'd be curious if chickens would eat this sort of thing. My guess is they would wolf it down.

I sense another fermented food experiment coming on (insert mad scientist cackle as I rub my hands together)...

As a raw foodist and raw paleo person, I did check out "high meat". I've yet to go there. Apparently that is the thing in Inuit cultures.
The only animal protein I eat raw is wild caught fish, org. grass fed beef, deer heart/liver and my own chicken livers.
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Started a bucket of FF today. The girls are still on chick starter, so I used that, added some bokashi bran (which was suggested by someone in this thread), and will start using by Saturday. I'm still working on my run. I wanted it to be big enough and strong enough, so I'm putting a lot of effort into it. Finally got one 40' side fenced in with 2x4" welded wire.

So just now catching up on the thread.

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