FERMENTED FEEDS...anyone using them?

Why couldnt you add a "premix" to make it healthier...Plus some new grasses or grains?
just a asking

You can add whatever you want. You have my permission!
I honestly don't see that it's that much more work. I'd be hauling the same amount of wt to the coop. By feeding FF, I don't have to haul as much water. And I'd rather haul that water in the FF than in buckets to go in waterers for the birds. FF containers don't need to be washed the way water containers do. Also, the savings in feed cost, decreased waste, which translates to less of an issue with rodents and pest birds make the FF a win/win situation. But, I do understand that it's not for everyone. And that's ok. That's why it's so wonderful that there are many ways to keep a healthy flock.
I find the extra effort takes mere few minutes and isn't even worthy of calling it "work".
Just a few extra motions with the hands and arms in the routine of feeding. It's actually much less time consuming and less effort then filling one of those big, continuous type metal feeders with dry feed.
Has anyone tried adding fermented vegetables to their flocks diet? I have given it as a treat and they love it.

I was thinking that If I was able to scale up the garden a bit I could grow A lot of sweet potato's and cabbage. Enough, so that if fermented, it might actually make a dent in the feed bill. I think it could be done with what ever veg you are able to grow well.

Has anyone tried this?
i see mention of feed bill. unless one has lots of chickens how can it be a lot? I dont understand? unless it organic
how can you ferment sweet potatoes? just curious sounds yuko to me as I luv sweet potatoes as is or with coconut oil .
yum course thats just me.... but like em sauerkraut. Never had home made though...
luv to try it
just a saying
thanks all

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